Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both authorities will need to invest substantially in information systems over the next decade if they are to maximize the amount of care they can squeeze out of their constrained budgets .
2 You may need to remain nearby in case they do slip , but this can prevent some people from functioning so you will have to be sensitive to their feelings .
3 If you are going to display this information , you will need to do so in hexadecimal because the one ( 4 byte ) number contains 2 items of information For example , The last 3 digits ( least significant 2 bytes ) are the ROM release number .
4 If you are going to display this information , you will need to do so in hexadecimal because the one ( 4 byte ) number contains 2 items of information For example , The last 4 digits ( least significant 2 bytes ) are the ROM release number .
5 If they understand both from other speakers , but produce only one themselves , then Contrast would appear to work separately in comprehension and production .
6 As a result of this , rhythms with the greater external cause will appear to develop earlier in childhood than those with a smaller external cause .
7 ‘ I have to be honest with you , I 'd like to invest more in education , ’ he said .
8 Christian Aid would like to work more in partnership with other agencies .
9 She heard them begin to talk quietly in Italian , and she moved aside tactfully .
10 You tell me what you 'd like to eat exactly in future and if I feel like doing it I 'll do it .
11 You tell me what you 'd like to eat exactly in future and if I feel like doing it I 'll do it .
12 Isabella and Mortimer could scarcely hope to survive long in power : neither had a claim to the throne but ruled in the name of Edward III ; their authority was thus precarious and , given that Edward was in the Plantagenet mould , destined to early extinction .
13 The paper notes specifically that companies would have to invest more in pollution prevention and farmers would have to introduce measures to prevent water being polluted by run-offs from their land .
14 I shall have to remain here in obscurity , and rot .
15 Unlike Daniel Miller I do not have to go there in person .
16 Mr O'Neill said defence contractors would have to diversify more in future .
17 If money disappeared from this world entirely , then I would not have to come here in order to get the sort of education I want .
18 The reason I ask these things is that we will have to look ahead in case certain difficulties present themselves . ’
19 If the client 's competitors trade on terms which minimise their liability , the client may have to do likewise in order to obtain insurance cover as cheaply as possible , and thus keep its prices competitive .
20 In contrast , however , with the position on the death of a member , the bankrupt will remain a member and be entitled to attend and vote — though he will have to do so in accordance with the directions of the trustee .
21 When various media types and units are being used , particularly if primary and secondary media items have been forced to different media types , a unit which is only able to handle secondary items will attempt to do so in order to contribute to the workload .
22 First were the ‘ political realities ’ that faced him ; second , he said , was his fear that he would have to campaign negatively in order to succeed .
23 ‘ But one of you 'll have to stay here in case Frank calls . ’
24 You generally wo n't have to stay overnight in hospital .
25 You generally wo n't have to stay overnight in hospital .
26 ‘ Somehow , I 'll have to get away in time .
27 But Bush has stressed the issue more in his campaign , and Clinton may have to move slower in order to incorporate environmental and worker rights provisions into trade pacts .
28 Though my dad says she 'll have to move now in case the Germans land on the coast . ’
29 We will continue to invest heavily in road improvements , including the second Severn Bridge , completing the M4 in South Wales and the A55 in North Wales .
30 It noted that demand has slowed in Cray 's niche high-end supercomputer market , and that its low-end market is substantially more competitive and carries lower margins , adding that despite pressure on gross margins , Cray must continue to invest heavily in research and development .
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