Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] your " in BNC.

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1 This can be particularly useful , because although your dog may well master these quite readily in the privacy of your garden , it will also need to perform them with your encouragement in the totally different environment of the training hall , in the company of other dogs .
2 You will not need to have me on your conscience . ’
3 Obviously he would promise to make it worth your while .
4 I 'll never get married again , so do n't hang around waiting for it , and do n't expect to have me at your beck and call , because that is n't how I am .
5 I would like to thank him through your columns , but would also dearly like to hear form him if he feels so inclined .
6 We would like to thank you for your support and interest in the medical work of the Society as demonstrated in your gift of £401.88 .
7 I would first like to thank you for your ‘ Singer Specials ’ .
8 ‘ I 'd like to catch you with your trousers down , young lady .
9 I would like to hold you to your bargain , Miranda . ’
10 Dearest Derek Ridgers , I would like to congratulate you on your brilliant interview with The Farm …
11 I would like to congratulate you on your excellent article on the Kwikmas pudding .
12 This is something we must come back to — the whole question of how young conductors are best trained and developed — but I would like to ask you about your years in Aachen .
13 erm , why I suppose that 's two completely different questions and I 'd like to ask you from your point of view , from your point of view
14 For example : ‘ I do n't want to disturb you during your lunch break , Harry , but could we have a little confidential chat about product B ? ’
15 ‘ I know you 'd prefer to do it on your own , but it 's obvious you ca n't .
16 Now look at some even shorter-term actions you can take to lead you to your longer-term goals .
17 You 'll have to buy them for your skiing trip .
18 We each filled ourselves a small glass of vodka , and he said , ‘ George Dionisovich , I will try to help you for your kind heart and for your kind deeds ’ .
19 So , you see , that is why Semenov had said ‘ I will try to help you for your kind deeds ’ .
20 You may find that older dogs are nervous under these circumstances , if they have never been on a train or bus before , and you should always try to reassure them with your tone of voice .
21 He sounds a bit miffed , you 'll have to put him in your other saddle-bag to keep your husband company that 's all .
22 I er well er you 'll have to put it in your daddy 's name lift it .
23 I 'm afraid I 'll have to leave you to your own devices for a while . ’
24 " You , " said Grace , mock-severely ( her heart was fluttering quite uncomfortably and she could feel a most immature desire to blush and simper rising within her ) , " are a naughty boy , and I shall have to keep you in your place , I can see that . "
25 You do not have to deduct it from your income , as in the case of personal allowances .
26 You 'll be damned if you wo n't try to get me into your bed , one way or another . ’
27 Do n't forget to stamp them with your address . ’
28 I would not want to return you to your female progenitor in what , from my briefings on human culture , I perceive to be an indecorous condition . ’
29 In any event your doctor will offer to visit you at your home , or arrange for one of the professional practice staff to visit you , to make sure all is well and that you are able to cope .
30 ‘ She will love to assist you in your researches .
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