Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And although I found it hard to understand that you did n't want to meet her again that evening , I accepted that she was possibly ‘ not your type ’ .
2 He would n't tell me what was going on down there because he did n't want to worry me as far as the safety conditions at that particular mine .
3 She did n't really expect to see him again that night .
4 His Honour said that J 's dyslexia ‘ would appear to give him significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of his age ’ , and that J 's high intelligence was ‘ neither here nor there ’ in relation to the specific cause of the learning difficulty .
5 We were unfortunate to lose the ‘ Buchanan Cup ’ to Douglas Reyburn in August — however we will endeavour to win it back next year !
6 ‘ But I would like to see you again this evening to take a fuller statement . ’
7 I do n't like to see you so worried .
8 I 'd like to meet him very much . ’
9 Well any suggestion if you 'd like to write it down one third take away a quarter .
10 I would like to give you just one illustration to show what I mean by the disintegrating influence of a dynamic force .
11 I do n't like to keep them too long eggs , you know , especially with this scare being on
12 ‘ I was just going to ask Katherine whether she might like to have her slightly belated birthday present before we go to table . ’
13 I would like to have it very much because music is one of the great pleasures in life to me but I just have nowhere to put it at the moment .
14 You may have heard about the Family Bond before , but I 'd like to remind you how attractive this investment plan really is .
15 I could n't possibly begin to tell you how relieved we were .
16 Your answers to these questions will begin to tell you how close you want your dialogue to come to the conversation you heard .
17 I ca n't begin to tell you how beautiful she is these days .
18 but the point I 'm trying to make is that the person who made the presentation er o o on er for , for the best of riders , I think he 's rather missed the point because he was talking to you about the , including , more information on er within the T V P and we did discuss , er we did like to make it quite clear during our er discussions that riding of horses on the highway is a matter for the T V P , riding horses on bridleways is a matter that we will have to deal with in basic in time .
19 If you 'd like to tell me how many how many sixths you think there would be in a whole one .
20 as if we want to get bloody , can you , I do n't want to do it so much now though cos I 'm not so against everyone
21 But as a woman he does n't want to give her too much credit .
22 If this happened you have the right to contest this in court and a court may decide to give you back parental rights .
23 They will want to forget you as one of their worst casualties ’ .
24 Another young accountant said : ‘ They must want to keep us as busy as possible .
25 Obviously too , if you have a country hall you will want to keep it as countryish and as relaxed as possible .
26 Still less did he wish to disrupt his carefully crafted relationship without the mullahs in Morocco .
27 As this now forms quite a substantial part of our invoice ( £900 last year ) would you please try to publicise us as much as possible .
28 And we we go in car shopping and we always get our s shopping from , you know with it being cheap , and we go in her brother 's car , and so we do n't have to carry it back all the way from , but round here you see you 'd have to go out , you 'd have to take the kid with you , and your girlfriend , and then you 've got to come back with all the shopping and your kids as well .
29 He 'd have to pull it very tight and hold it there for about three minutes to make sure .
30 The implications for us are that we shall have to find it very hard to ensure that we get a share of that grant to spend on implementation of the Food Safety Act .
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