Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [prep] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Now parental investment is a technical concept which we do n't need to go into in this course in too great detail , suffice is to say that parental investment represents everything a parent sinks into its offspring which promotes its offspring 's reproductive success .
2 If you find in the longer run that the process of " being in love " stops you functioning properly ( i.e. getting your college work done ) that too is something you might need to look at with some skilled help ( i.e. a skilled counsellor ) .
3 Of every hundred pounds that 's invested , round about forty pounds goes straight to the government in betting duty , round about thirty pounds goes to the football pools in expenses , commissions and profits , leaving round about thirty pounds to be returned in prizes , and so you can see that your rate of return on football pools is extremely small , but on the other hand a very large number of people do enter the football pools , and when they win they can win considerable sums of money and it can make absolute rational economic sense to go in for football pools because you are giving yourself a chance , no matter how small , of winning a sum of money that you would n't expect to come across in any other way of your life .
4 Erm , what we 'd like to know for for all of our sake 's really , is who we are , and where we 're from , what we 're doing here , how long have we been doing whatever it is that we 're doing here , erm where we come from , a little bit abo about our history , and any details , usual points , that you just Er , my name 's David .
5 Perhaps this is , this is something we could we could , we could use to talk about in some revision seminar at the beginning of next term cos we , we , we 've sort of got up to nineteen fifty two erm maybe it would be helpful if , if sort of you know we just sat there over the vacation and then come back and sort of have look
6 And then there was another sound which I did n't like to think about at all , but which I presumed was Jack Scamp hailing his last London cab .
7 And what I would like to ask in in this environmental age that we live in , for a benefit to the people on the A sixty one , for a vehicle every four point eight seconds instead of every three point five seconds , using your own figures , how can you justify and quantify the cost of the environmental damage that will be done to what is regarded as the finest visual attractive side of Harrogate .
8 Erm what sort of duties did you have to deal with in that ?
9 I was anxious to alert people to the to the specific issue of strategic planning I did n't want to step outside of that .
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