Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] when [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At Highlander , workshops of this sort of cultural exchange play a critical role in reaching across the natural human barriers which we can expect to find when a number of different people from widely different communities , cultural backgrounds , and economic and social circumstances are thrown together for a weekend to discuss their common problems in an attempt to find solutions .
2 The first type of usage , that where the infinitive is non-realized ( He tried to get free ) , would appear to arise when the movement denoted by to is not carried to its end-point , i.e. when only the beginning of the movement signified by to is actualized : The second type , where the sense is rather that the infinitive 's event is actually realized ( He managed to get free ) , seems to arise where the speaker has actualized the whole of the movement signified by to , thus reaching the point where the realization of the infinitive event takes place .
3 Then they make their ale from what they have collected , and those who do not come there to drink and do not give money at the foresters ' will are sorely punished at their pleas for dead wood , although the King has no demesne ; nor does anyone dare to brew when the foresters brew , or to sell ale so long as the foresters have any kind of ale to sell ; and this every forester does year by year to the great grievance of the country .
4 ‘ That is what I would like to do when the time is right . ’
5 Yet he was the kindest man you would wish to meet when the drink was n't on him .
6 The head of the Direction is a civil servant and a ministerial appointment , but he does not have to leave when the Minister changes .
7 Hamlet is up against not just a man , but a king , he will have to strike when the king is unarmed , And he would also have to be able to explain his actions , and yet even his mother does not believe him , but only see him as mad
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