Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] at [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The income trust will invest in between 60 and 70 UK stocks — mainly blue chip companies like ICI — and will seek to maintain at least the current dividends levels in all but ‘ the worst possible economic circumstances . ’
2 I want at the end erm , Chairman to give you my views of what is meant by er , an integrated and balanced community because I think that 's that 's quite important , but before I do that , I 'd like to mop up one or two er points right at the end in response to some of the contributions that have been made , and I 'll deal with them , Wincup , Curtis , Brook , er and Thomas , if that 's acceptable er to you , and really as far as Mr Wincup is concerned , he 's quite properly raised the issue of procedural issues about how the Greater York authorities is going to address moving towards er an agreed location , and quite clearly I 've got to reaffirm again that the County Council will want to look at both the greenbelt local plan report and your panel report before er it moves erm er forward or looks at any conclusions it may be moving to in the light of those er in the light of those reports , and quite clearly , as we all know , there are a number of options .
3 I think we shall have to look at just the last two years . ’
4 Well they 'll probably have to put at least the bone in there , it 's a bone graft .
5 Each tag will have to hold at least the information : This will mean that the few home addresses or home buckets which have large numbers of synonyms will have to allocate a lot of space for these tags .
6 Keegan said : ‘ If I sold him , I would only have to spend at least the same amount on a replacement . ’
7 Ski with a friend and make some fairly short-radius turns which the second skier will try to emulate at exactly the same moment ( ie turn at the same time rather than follow the same track ) .
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