Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [conj] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , when storing information about employees academic qualifications , does one really need to know that a Research Chemist has a CSE in woodwork ?
2 For the visual computations algorithmically defined by Ullman do not depend on high-level processes capable of identifying ( recognizing ) objects as members of a specific class : the system does not need to know that an object is a fish , or even that it has the 3-D shape that it has , in order to know that it is an object .
3 At Highlander , workshops of this sort of cultural exchange play a critical role in reaching across the natural human barriers which we can expect to find when a number of different people from widely different communities , cultural backgrounds , and economic and social circumstances are thrown together for a weekend to discuss their common problems in an attempt to find solutions .
4 This means that the user does not hag to specify that a legend is required , nor is it necessary to give any detailed instructions on the placement of the legend .
5 Now we can begin to see that an externalization of the superego like that which occurs in total welfare states is closely allied to the projection of the superego met with in paranoia .
6 I would like to suggest that an answer to this question should address broader concerns than simply a desire to make a representation of appearance .
7 As you become more experienced you will begin to appreciate that a coin can in fact sound slightly different when detected in varying types of ground .
8 Traffic dilemma : Darlington Borough Council has indicated that the parish council will have to wait until a bypass is opened before the problems of congestion in the village can be properly addressed .
9 Clients contemplating determination of an issue by an expert will wish to know whether a decision can be reached which will be final , and , if not , on what grounds they or the other party can mount a challenge ; whether they can sue the expert ; and whether they can avoid cost and formality .
10 Now we may wish to assume that an accuracy order is the same as an acquisitional order , but such an assumption is not warranted by the evidence , it is based on the speculation that language learners will reveal what they know , that their performance will be a reflection of their competence .
11 Equally , the landlord may wish to ensure that a yard adjoining a building does not become obstructed by trade empties or unrestricted car parking .
12 The court would have to consider whether a duty was owed .
13 I shall attempt to demonstrate that a synthesis of positivism and natural law is possible and that what I shall call ‘ normative positivism ’ is consistent with the account of criminal law which I favour .
14 He did not have to suppose that an animal could foresee the consequences of its behaviour ; still less did he have to suppose that an animal could imagine what it would do in its partner 's place .
15 He did not have to suppose that an animal could foresee the consequences of its behaviour ; still less did he have to suppose that an animal could imagine what it would do in its partner 's place .
16 That would have to stop if a draft EC directive ever became law ; Norway would not be allowed to keep so much to itself .
17 Maidstone 's chairman and managing director Jim Thompson announced last week the Fourth Division club would have to close unless a buyer stepped in to save them going out of business .
18 ‘ Maybe after I get an album of my own material out — which does sound a lot like Jimi , because I ca n't help it — then I 'll try to take that a step further … maybe where he was going himself , possibly . ’
19 What people do tend to do if a result someone else reports interests them is to repeat it with variants — that is , they test it in their own favourite animal or experimental situation .
20 Companies can lose millions of pounds paying tax in an inefficient way , while finance directors can go to jail if a company under-declares VAT .
21 The results to date would seem to indicate that a rest period of at least three minutes is required between one dilution and the next .
22 5.9.5 On a permitted assignment to a private limited company and if the Landlord shall reasonably so require to procure that a guarantor or guarantors reasonably acceptable to the Landlord enter into direct covenants with the Landlord in the form of the Guarantor 's covenant contained in this Lease with " the Assignee " substituted for " the Tenant " There are various matters to be considered in connection with a permitted underlease ( not the least of which being as to whether the tenant should be allowed to underlet part or parts of the premises as well as to whole ) , eg : ( 1 ) In respect of any permitted underlease it is better to remove reference to the landlord 's approval of the rent reserved by it , and if possible ( particularly in a falling market ) to remove reference to the rent being no less than the passing rent under the lease , although the landlord will normally object to this on the basis that a low underlease rent could be used as a comparable on any subsequent rent review under the lease .
23 ‘ People do n't seem to understand that a hypnotherapist ca n't do it for them , and neither can any other magic ingredient .
24 Consequently , you seem to have experienced a testing period in close personal ties and in joint financial arrangements , and during the first three weeks of April you will come to realise that a day of reckoning or a major upheaval was unavoidable .
25 They did n't seem to care that a number of girls are only part of the way through their courses . ’
26 The last statement may seem to imply that a variant of the underconsumptionist thesis is being adopted , but as Marx pointed out , consumption by workers almost invariably reaches a high point immediately before a crisis breaks out .
27 In particular , he objected to correlating time with the motions of the heavenly bodies , since time would still exist if the heavens should cease to move but a potter 's wheel continued to rotate .
28 Assuming that the underlying rationale of the distinction between public law and private law interests is to force certain litigants to use the less advantageous Order 53 procedure , it might seem to follow that an applicant would be free to choose to bring an AJR to protect private law rights .
29 Right , do you want to explain that a bit more , about
30 Passport holders of other countries should check to see if a visa is required .
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