Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [pron] like [det] " in BNC.

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1 They would n't have allowed them , you know , did n't want to kill themselves like that .
2 Fifty two year old Agnes Smith does n't need to lose anything like that amount , but as part of our search for a healthy lifestyle she 's agreed to try this form of group therapy .
3 I do not want to hear anything like that again .
4 I did n't like to see him like this so when the second man had gone I turned to Dad .
5 She knew instinctively that he would like to leave her like that ; but he did n't .
6 And I 'd like to do something like that again .
7 I mean I 'd like to do something like that , but you could n't sell it
8 I do n't want to do it like that .
9 it up again here , so I did n't mi wish to discuss it like this so as I said it 's gon na be twelve months ' time .
10 I 'll have to do it like this .
11 I 'll have to do it like this !
12 It was a pitiful , unforgettable sight , and I sincerely hoped I would never have to witness anything like that again .
13 Why do you think we 'll have to have one like that ?
14 I 'll have to say something like that before long .
15 Erm , ampersand is is quite interesting , you all know that symbol , because it 's used in handwriting , although nowadays , it , nowadays you would tend to use something like that I do n't know , what , do you , do you , do you sort of if you want to write and quickly .
16 I , I do n't tend to do it like that at all , I do it very nearly go , it 's on the wrong side unfortunately . .
17 extremely normal , because erm , I do n't think N M E interviewers would bother to do something like this .
18 I do n't want to end it like this , ’ said Foreman , who won the world title in 1973 from Joe Frazier and lost it in 1974 to Muhammad Ali .
19 So there 's a lot of money coming in they could they could afford to have somebody like that
20 Ca n't afford to eat them like that !
21 ‘ I 'd love to do something like that , ’ said Eileen .
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