Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [prep] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 In his letter he stated : ’ Such a development will cause me no little difficulty — especially from the SNP ! if you and Douglas Hurd judge that the UK 's overall interests will be best served then I would not want to stand in the way of UKAEA 's involvement . ’
2 Way back in Isaiah in thirty fifth chapter , the er , the prophet there gives a little picture , and he uses the illustration , he says this way is so plain , it 's so simple , he said that even the wayfaring man , the traveller , though he is a fool , he does n't need to make any mistakes in it , he does n't need to err in the way , it is so simple , it is so easily understood .
3 In this case , however , it seemed that the nature of the disease was systematically to destroy those nerve cells essential to the control of sleep , and these unfortunate people probably represent the closest that we can expect to find in the way of a natural experiment on the long-term effects of the denial of sleep .
4 If they succeed without merit , the fault would appear to lie with the way the appeal system is operating rather than in regulation 72 as it is currently worded . ’
5 The second is that it does not adequately take account of the sad fact of life that health authorities may on occasion find that they have too few resources , either human or material or both , to treat all the patients whom they would like to treat in the way in which they would like to treat them .
6 I mean I think I 'd like to comment on the way some of the discussion was going earlier , because although it 's true that it 's largely men who are seen as creating the problem , there are certainly large numbers of men in positions of authority in the university who are very concerned about it , and who have been led to re-examine their own behaviour , and who now comment on how uncomfortable and constrained they themselves feel .
7 In fact , there were lots of things she 'd like to change about the way she looked , she reflected ruefully .
8 A patient may be so anxious that he can not begin to act in a way which would resolve his problems .
9 One thing you might want to do as a way of putting an argument together would be to look up the word " Romanticism " in the dictionary , since Byron 's poetry belongs to this literary movement .
10 A beat that sets out for a destination may have to renavigate on the way or may even have to change destination .
11 Normally , for an exchange to be arbitrary or capricious , it would have to behave in a way which no reasonable person in its position would have done .
12 In the next chapter , I will attempt to sort out the way in which it feeds back positively into education .
13 At a time when they can no longer persuade people to move by holding out the prospect of huge capital gains , perhaps the builders will take to design as a way out .
14 On the dredger what other jobs would you have to do in the way of maintenance , you said you had to repair the buckets .
15 Then he told me to wait for him after I had visited my father , and said that he would try to think of a way to help me without arousing any suspicion .
16 He had already been involved in taking prisoners to the mountains and told me that he would now have to think of a way to get Eric there too .
17 ‘ Besides , now that I do not have to stop on the way to Paris for lunch I can go later .
18 One factor with which the Baghdad planners had failed to reckon seems to have been the contribution to an enemy 's performance of simple patriotism , the force which impels people to fight to defend their native soil against an invader , whatever they may have to say about the way things are run at home .
19 He imagines the sequence of states which he will have to construct on the way to supper .
20 How dare this blanc try to interfere with the way things have been done for centuries ?
21 I did n't want to get in the way .
22 As for the supposedly devastating impact of the John Major Diary in Private Eye , of which I am also a co-author , I can only say that , despite the article 's prediction , it did not seem to stand in the way of a gratifying number of people giving him their enthusiastic support on Thursday — including myself .
23 ‘ You did n't come to work by the way of the wharf walk this morning ? ’
24 While she still had light she would continue to search for a way out ; she would —
25 He also stressed his belief that ‘ people should have the right to express their views through the ballot box , and he would continue to look for a way to give people the chance to exercise their democratic rights , ’ the department 's spokesman said .
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