Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I like , I 'll throw my dinner on the floor and put clams in my hair and have tantrums , and … ’
2 But as they had n't seen each other since the day they both left the house , I did n't think my debut in The Jungle Book was the best time for a reunion .
3 As promised , I will not explain my change within the Fluval 2 , using a Polyfilter to replace the sponge .
4 I have given up all idea now of going to Kings and shall make my way across the Island as quickly as I can making a call or two on the way .
5 As the last of the boys arrived I thought that maybe I could just make my way to the back of the queue , or sprint back to the changing room on one pretext or another and conveniently lose my place in the line .
6 Quietly , choosing my time , I shall make my way to the Garden Tower and try to gain access to the upper chamber . ’
7 ‘ I have a tremendous fundamental urge to get out and make my way in the world .
8 ‘ I will make my judgment about the overall balance of taxation in the economy at that time , ’ he insisted .
9 ‘ Wait but a few moments here for me , ’ she said more gently , ‘ for I must make my farewell to the Lady Percy , who has been more than kind to me . ’
10 The death of the Empress does not affect my opera in the least , for none of the theatres have been closed and plays are being performed as usual .
11 The cops would be watching the bus station and the railroad terminal , but maybe I could bribe my way aboard a tramp steamer for Macao or Shanghai .
12 I notice you do n't answer my question about the woman to clean .
13 " Yet if I could make him notice me perhaps he might consider my suitability as a wife .
14 And , perhaps , with this act of treachery I can finally buy my freedom from the burden of buried horror that bound me to Andy twenty years ago , so that — dispossessed of that trespass — I 'm left free to betray him again , now .
15 As for his invitation — if I catch you at 1997 with him or any other man , I 'll revoke my decision about the wedding night , and take you to bed immediately ! ’
16 Belting tales of outlaw attitude like the born-to-be-wild rocker ‘ Ride Into YOur Town ’ are juxtaposed to beautiful ballads , like the piano-accompanied ‘ How Does It Feel ’ ( ‘ … to ruthlessly steal my heart like a thief in the night ’ ) — .
17 Belting tales of outlaw attitude like the born-to-be-wild rocker ‘ Ride Into YOur Town ’ are juxtaposed to beautiful ballads , like the piano-accompanied ‘ How Does It Feel ’ ( ‘ … to ruthlessly steal my heart like a thief in the night ’ ) — .
18 Though she is an American tourist , she looks elegant in her high Italian boots and I think , I can always know my mother by the briskness of her gait and the suede upon her feet .
19 I raised my eyebrows , resolving , as I did so , to let him know my side of the story as soon as possible .
20 " You know I ca n't discuss my work for the Surete with you , " replied his father brusquely .
21 Although I did not entirely enjoy my time as a ‘ check knitter ’ , I learned one valuable lesson .
22 Good business planning could have helped Darlington win its bid for a body scanner , a senior hospital official said this week .
23 In addition to the role of the military in the policy-making process , we should also consider its importance as an executor of policy .
24 But er unfortunately those on the ground who have shown their skill at wrecking anything that does n't suit their purpose with the support of the Labour group , those on the ground will still be there and I do n't believe that er giving the director of education the executive powers is going to stop them continuing to take the sort of action they 've been taking .
25 Using a heavy Tesco bag to help batter her way through the TV crews and a gaggle of amused onlookers , she reached the National Westminster Bank just after water privatisation 's witching hour of 10am .
26 She fears that its plans will confine her sex to a social ghetto
27 When a whale drinks a litre of sea water , it is able to concentrate the salt into two thirds of litre of urine — which means it can quench its thirst with a net gain of a third of a litre of fresh water .
28 The government 's manifesto commitment was to increase benefit in line with prices but this does not guarantee its future after the next election , and presumably any proposals on child benefit would have a long lead-in time .
29 He had asked Christina to attend this meeting too , saying he 'd value her opinion on the revised pool plans which Paul was bringing in .
30 If you think I will respect her honour to the point of releasing her , you much mistake the matter ! ’
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