Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now one of the things you might 've seen from the corporate briefings is you 've got the budget figure and a forecast figure .
2 With some halls on campus and others off , you need to consider the pluses and minuses : the first eliminates travel time and expense but you may feel isolated from the wider community ; the second involves travel time and fares but provides more choice of shops and entertainment , with an escape from the enclosed campus .
3 Even mankind might have developed from a different species .
4 Those three operations then are the measure of modern medical practice : cancers which might have developed from an enlarged prostate , some rogue polyps and a spinal tumour , any one of which could have proved fatal , were all pre-empted by discovery and cure ; and I can not be other than deeply grateful for this additional lease of life .
5 The DPP statement on June 14 said that the jury in the 1976 trial might not have realised from the scientific evidence provided that the seven could have been innocently contaminated with nitroglycerine , but that " in the light of current scientific knowledge this was a real possibility , however remote " .
6 Retired STG employees and those retiring before privatisation or before the end of any transitional period will have their pensions provision fully secured so that they will receive the same pensions as they would have received from the Scottish Transport Group .
7 The coins were found in a fairly straight line , indicating that they may have fallen from a torn purse .
8 The reinvestment return is 55.74 but the reinvestment risk is that on 15 February the 1-month rate will have fallen from the 9.25 per cent expected to , say , 8.75 per cent .
9 6d. , less than she could have expected from a modern royalty .
10 Some bottled waters , costing from 200 to 1,000 times more than tap water , may even have originated from the same source .
11 Juniper Green ( whose name may have originated from the floral emblem of the Murray family ) developed with an influx of specialised workers attracted by the growth of the mills .
12 The mother 's offer to cook the lunch may be a reassuring sign of the familiar to her son who may not long have departed from the parental home .
13 Jan Fischer produced a transporter that might well have come from a professional machine shop .
14 You do risk crackles and pops , but many will have come from a good home — and you can always get them washed .
15 The material with which a major museum has to deal , both within its own collections and on offer to it , will have come from a wide variety of sources .
16 Cuvier had claimed to be able to reconstruct an animal from a single bone , but it was Owen who did it , working out that a bone from New Zealand , broken at the ends , must have come from an enormous flightless bird , and being vindicated when the complete skeleton of a moa was found later .
17 All the same , the feather in his pocket could hardly have come from an imaginary swan .
18 They may have come from the inner chamber of the tholos tomb known as the Treasury of Atreus .
19 That herd was apparently shy , rather fierce and polled and it is possible that the Ardrossan was ancestral to the White Galloway , or its coat colour might have come from the other White Park herds in Scotland ( for example at Cadzow Forest near Hamilton , Blair Atholl in northern Perthshire , the Duke of Buccleuch 's estate at Dalkeith , the Cumbernauld estate or Cally Palace at Gatehouse-of-Fleet ) .
20 the other side of th , you know , should have come from the other side .
21 It was obvious that not all these people could have come from the upper classes .
22 The smooth pillars which support it in the centre have capitals of a style that has made some art historians suppose that they may originally have come from the Roman villa or palace presumed to have existed on this site in the fourth century .
23 It is not perhaps surprising that the source of substitution should have come from the traditional opposition group , the Bani Hashem .
24 In the process of making them , did you meet any opposition apart from that which you said may have come from the medical malpractice fear ?
25 This I could have done from the Royal College — but it was Oxford I wanted — and to go to Somerville where I had a friend who told me about it .
26 This group must have separated from the ancestral flatworms at a very early stage indeed , long before the split between the molluscs and the segmented worms .
27 As members will have seen from the local press , the committee decided to postpone the proposed trip to Llangollen on 13th July .
28 They will have seen from the French try how even a moderate French team was able to launch Cabannes and Cécillon at our midfield and , once they had been committed , spread the ball for Saint-André to score a classic try .
29 That in ten years she should have risen from a frightened , defiant seventeen-year-old to this .
30 Their ‘ look ’ changes almost imperceptibly ; between 1975 and 1985 for instance , a major style point can be seen in the daywear of the young ( 24-year-old ) yah female : in 1975 her swanlike neck might have risen from the neat collar of a Jaeger shirt with single strand of pearls and a scarf tied as cravat in attendance .
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