Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Frequently , however , there is also an ingrowth of the sternum near their origin so that they are carried inwards and the whole forms a Y-shaped structure , the furca , whose internal arms may become fused with the pleural arms or are connected with them by short muscles .
2 The more viscous the lava , the more difficult it is to force it through a vent , and the vent may well become blocked with a slow-moving or stationary plug of lava .
3 This will be sufficient to investigate the energy range in which the electromagnetic forces should become unified with the weak forces according to the Salam-Weinberg theory , but not the enormously high energy at which the weak and electromagnetic interactions would be predicted to become unified with the strong interactions .
4 Each grapheme is then translated into a corresponding phonemic representation on the basis of pre-established conversion rules ( each grapheme would become associated with a particular phoneme as one 's reading skills develop ) .
5 She knew how badly one sister had treated you ; she quite obviously did n't want to see you become associated with the other … ’
6 The councillor should become acquainted with the principal officers from whom he can gain a considerable amount of information and help .
7 Anyone working seriously on the social and economic history of the sixteenth , seventeenth and eighteenth centuries must become acquainted with the major findings of this demographic research .
8 But I would like to mention that conflicting evidence is not always the result of a social worker being inexperienced and taken in easily by appearances when he or she should obviously have checked with an independent source .
9 ‘ David Harrison was convinced that he would have won with a clear run and while it 's hard to be definite about that , he would certainly have been placed . ’
10 White 's build-up has proved the more effective and he should now have won with the simple 31 .
11 There is a component of the overtone , and this component must have mixed with the fundamental to produce two bands of similar intensity , each being more-or-less half fundamental and half overtone .
12 The copyist who supplied it was , to judge from other manuscripts in his handwriting , almost certainly an amateur — not the kind of musician Purcell would have trusted with an important task — and was not active until 1700 at the earliest .
13 Its flat northern half would have connected with the Carnatic plain of southern India .
14 I think he could have done with a general chapter on the French State , which would have placed Diderot more firmly in his times and made clearer the difficulties he encountered .
15 Chelmsford could certainly have done with a bigger pool of players .
16 I mean he tried the Forest defence out on the left-hand side t to start with switched the player and got young Lewis in and really Forest could have done with a better ball er sorry Leicester could have done with a better final ball from Lewis .
17 I mean he tried the Forest defence out on the left-hand side t to start with switched the player and got young Lewis in and really Forest could have done with a better ball er sorry Leicester could have done with a better final ball from Lewis .
18 The little devils could have done with a firm hand ! ’
19 He could really have done with a steaming hot beaker of
20 We did not collect as much objective data as we might have done with a white group .
21 I could have done with a few .
22 Mesmerised by that wagging right hand , the South Africans he blew away on that dramatic fifth morning at the Kensington Oval in April could certainly have done with a few chunks of green kryptonite .
23 Well we had er the business was quite good er we had er we could do , of course at the end of the war , we could have done with an awful lot more cars , but we could n't get them .
24 They could have done with an easier game than Bristol but they beat them 38-11 back in October , so it can be done .
25 As generations followed the pattern of the maze , the earth energies may have illumined their forms in just the way that they may have done with the cup-and-ring marks and the pilgrims ' tracks .
26 I could have done with the two hundred and thirty quid though
27 ‘ It seems to me that both you and Peter could have done with the friendly shoulder of a mother to pour out your troubles to — you 're reliving something from your past .
28 After it she felt soothed of any irritation she may have felt with the last letter , wiped her mouth with satisfaction , and picked up the Oswaldston Gazette .
29 Aware that his intended , ‘ I , sir ? ’ would have met with the invariable bark , ‘ Yes , you , sir , ’ Thiercelin contented himself with looking staggered , which he was .
30 She halfexpected to find Griselda 's body , guessing that it might have met with the same fate as Melusina .
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