Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most had nothing at all to say about it and those that did comment relied to a large extent on a discourse and terminology borrowed from the ‘ agenda setting nexus ’ of mainstream criticism .
2 One thing I distinctly remember about watching that kestrel hover happened on a clear blue day when I 'd managed to position myself practically underneath the bird .
3 This portable version allows her out of home or hospital for a few hours … but for most of her life she must stay connected to a larger non-stop supply .
4 The other problem is that tasks honoured with a separate colour on-screen may not appear emphasized on a black and white printout .
5 If all scientists were and remained normal scientists then a particular science would become trapped in a single paradigm and would never progress beyond it .
6 Yet it is precisely that kind of issue that the coalition would like addressed in a coherent and collaborative fashion .
7 In terms of the concepts outlined above we could express Marx 's views thus : the economic class of proletarians ( propertyless sellers of labour power ) will necessarily become increasingly homogeneous in respect of income levels and conditions of life and work ; this will result in the increasing ‘ non-pertinence ’ of social collectivities based on branch of industry , religion , nationality , sex etc. , and the increasing pertinence of the social collectivity coterminous with the proletariat itself ; eventually as a result of the process of struggle this social collectivity will become organised into a corporate body — the trade union movement — and a political force : the communist movement or party .
8 First , a number of rules were specified about the use of rewards and punishers and it was suggested that a reward ‘ menu ’ be drawn up for each intervention in order that the child does not become satiated by a single type of reward which could then lose its reinforcing properties .
9 In a similar manner , if cells of the sponge ( the bath sponge is the skeleton laid down by the sponge ) are separated into a random mixture of individual cells they will actively move around and become reorganized into a normal sponge , with the cells in the correct relationship with one another .
10 Having accepted that deviance can become amplified through a positive feedback mechanism , and that the initial acts of deviance on which the system feeds are often quite minor , only a relatively weak explanation of the original deviance is called for .
11 A hazard is a threat which , given a set of circumstances , may become translated into a realized event .
12 The more viscous the lava , the more difficult it is to force it through a vent , and the vent may well become blocked with a slow-moving or stationary plug of lava .
13 Each grapheme is then translated into a corresponding phonemic representation on the basis of pre-established conversion rules ( each grapheme would become associated with a particular phoneme as one 's reading skills develop ) .
14 The Colonel was in a hurry , realising how essential it was to keep the momentum of the attack rolling ; otherwise the resistance might become coordinated into a strong , interlocked series of defence positions .
15 Thus , very high blood pressure can become established as a pathological state — ‘ essential hypertension ’ — which can help to precipitate strokes or heart attacks .
16 Most of your fans though , will remain condemned in a lonely monologue with their distant idol …
17 Wynne Godley has been consistently the gloomiest economist operating in Britain , believing that the UK economy is suffering from severe structural weaknesses , and it will remain locked in a low growth and high unemployment pattern for years .
18 If I 'd wanted to really zoom around the fretboard I would 've opted for a medium/short-scale bass with really light , roundwound strings .
19 If we sh wanted other conditions we 'd live on a different planet or we would have developed on a different plant .
20 ‘ I was hoping it would have developed into a serious relationship , ’ he says , a line Best will recognise .
21 If the Scud attacks had provoked Israel into entering the war , experts say it could have developed into a global conflict .
22 At best it seems , a national strike would have developed into a bitter war of attrition which the unions , with their meagre resources , could only have lost .
23 It can not be argued so categorically that this was the sole source of the style in the twelfth century or that it would not soon have developed in a similar manner elsewhere if the Île de France had not then produced it .
24 Realistically , it is hard enough to speculate on how multimedia will have developed in a few years time without looking as far ahead as the beginning of the next century .
25 Even mankind might have developed from a different species .
26 If he were not a mere creature of my mind I imagine he would by now have fallen into a dangerous sleep of despair and exhaustion , frozen in a little car outside a small cottage he is too fearful to enter .
27 In spite of falling into bed feeling wide awake and convinced she would be awake for hours , she must have fallen into a deep sleep that had lasted for all of ten minutes !
28 The coins were found in a fairly straight line , indicating that they may have fallen from a torn purse .
29 Market estimates for yesterday 's intervention put the Bank 's purchases of pounds as high as $500m , and there were indications that the authorities may have intervened to a similar extent the day before , when sterling fell almost 6 pfennigs .
30 The consequence of what Nicholls may have intended as a politic and eirenical statement was suspension , degradation , and imprisonment .
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