Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] a [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Can you lend me a fiver while our Corrinne comes home ?
2 John wanted to be in bed so that the night would be over quickly and he could move off the next morning ; Mr Stephens had a neighbour who would lend them a handcart and John wanted to be able to push the furniture the eight miles uphill to Crossbridge , settle it , and return the handcart the same day .
3 He sent for Marko and told him , " You must plant me a vineyard and bring me wine from it in seven days .
4 ‘ You can buy me a drink after you land the job . ’
5 ‘ You can buy me a bodystocking if you like , ’ Bryony went on after a pause .
6 ‘ He said he would buy me a hat and I told him we 'd wait until they got the new 'uns in ; but when we come to it a week or two later he would n't spend his money .
7 ‘ Can I buy you a pizza or not ?
8 Come on ; yer Aunty Ashley 'll buy you a coffee and a sticky bun . ’
9 I 'll buy you a card and a box of chocolates
10 ‘ After classes I would buy her a drink and have a little chat about things .
11 But my mother 's image of my future had to be challenged : I was not to marry ; I would be her companion at all times in a perfect mother and daughter symbiosis ; with my teacher 's salary I would buy her a fridge and a washing machine and take care of her .
12 Suppose I 'll have to put them both with a five can always buy her a plant or some or a box of chocolate 's , oh sorry Melvin brought you these , forgot you were on a diet
13 There is also no way of knowing what use the authorities will make of the information if and when the VAN team does give them a warning that another Richter-7 earthquake is due in 7 or 11 hours time .
14 And I said er , I 'll take the children back to my house with me , at least they 'll be warm , I can give them a drink or something .
15 I mean for example if they walked in the room right now I 'm sure you 'd introduce me so I 'm really saying is look can you give me a telephone number , I 'll give them a chat and in fact , by the way , if you do see him within the next couple of days or so please give him a shout , let me know that you 've been quite excited about some of the ideas that I 've shown you this evening , I wan na do the same thing for him , you know , nothing gained nothing ventured nothing lost .
16 We 'll just give them a scale and polish , I said oh with this , you know ,
17 I wo n't , I wo n't give them a tip if that 's the attitude
18 You should give them a ring and tell them if you saw a strange man .
19 Similarly if people are organizing bonfires and they want their bonfire to go on Action Line 's list then they can give them a ring as well you see ?
20 And we 'll give them a fork and knife and I wo n't go into it in great detail but everything is going to be the six courses will be entirely accurately served on bread plates over on pewter trenchers .
21 Well Bob will do me a swap if it 's gon na come to a crisis .
22 He said simply , ‘ You 'll do me a favour if you do n't mention it to anyone . ’
23 ‘ Listen , ’ Arty pleaded in desperation , ‘ will you do me a favour and feck off up to see him I told you I was expecting someone .
24 Now do you know , could you do me a favour and tell Wendy about that gust because she 's just just sending them off .
25 ‘ The only problem is , my car is going in for a service , so maybe you could do me a favour and give me a lift there ?
26 Will you do me a favour and keep the receipt and everything for that C D and the bag that it 's in ?
27 I always say will you do me a favour and they shove it in box .
28 No I 'll get those can you do me a favour and put those boxes underneath
29 You 'll do me a mischief afore you 've finished ! "
30 Now I said to Ken that 'll be your christmas present to me in nineteen years and that 'll do me a treat cos that 's really worth it .
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