Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] and [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We would then discuss them and the barristers , as if we were criticizing a play .
2 And the Substitute had better be with me — tell Bacci he can take my car down to Florence , I do n't really need him and the Substitute can take me back with him …
3 Note that the SPR must first be submitted before an SSR can reference it and an SPR must be accepted before it can be closed .
4 Note that the SPR must first be submitted before an SSR can reference it and an SPR must be accepted before it can be closed .
5 ‘ But wo n't they be worried you 'll identify them and the police will come here ? ’
6 On two sides there were offices for the management and they can watch you and the supervisor or foreman can watch you as well .
7 Paying your penny makes God choose you and the idea that God chooses these beggardly talismans as the instruments of His purpose is a cheap , tawdry , insulting and blasphemous concept of God .
8 They should be fitted in the first instance by a community nurse , who will show you and the resident how to look after the catheter and how to empty the bag .
9 No it is n't erm and erm even those who in , in my experience who did get through there was just an occasional er time when they did n't pass that part of it , they , they , they , they could n't quite manage that , the height side frightened them and er they failed , erm so there 's quite a lot of demands on them and I 'm sure that a lot of women could do it and a lot of women if they had the chance would do it or would , if they were willing to do it , but it 's not something that grabs most women , I do n't think it does , I think it 's the physical side that puts them off , and that is what is the problem with the Fire Service , it is a physical job .
10 I look forward to this country being in the vanguard of the single currency because of the advantages that it will bring us and the Community .
11 Let them go out and show us and the world that we are right ’ .
12 He appealed to Arab leaders to " show us and the world that you accept Israel 's existence " , to end the " poisonous preachings against Israel " which were evident in their countries , and to " renounce your jihad [ holy war ] against Israel " .
13 will it benefit us and the patient ?
14 ‘ In the afternoon the good Professor Thornton can come and watch us and the Minister defending the assistance given to Willis Engineering , ’ Rajiv pointed out , eyes bright with malice , and Bill Westland winced .
15 Look at it like this and it will make you and the music feel good !
16 ‘ Why else does he want you and the hunt to cross paths ?
17 Cut away the waste wood around the ears with the coping saw , and use the 1in shallow gouge to further shape them and the nostrils so that they angle back at each side .
18 I ask that volunteers should contact me and the steering committee should be non-political .
19 I was to bike there and she 'd run me and the bike home afterwards .
20 The Haunted House dark ride , set in Gloomy Wood , the Congo River Rapids and the Runaway Mine train , are just a few of the exciting rides that will keep you and the children amused all day .
21 I always say a man could n't see him and a fox would n't want him .
22 The only day I actually wan na see him and the bastard 's on leave .
23 I do not believe it , they do not believe it and the House should not believe it . ’
24 erm but I would say , on the whole , my guess is that there are many girls that perhaps could go into science and could make contributions to science but do n't do so simply because their families do n't understand it and the schools do n't support them .
25 She told him if he could not face her and the baby , he must let them leave this place .
26 I can not give the hon. Gentleman the assurance that he seeks that I will agree with everything that the Edwards committee has recommended , but I can certainly assure him and the House that I will respond positively to the recommendations .
27 I did not know then that my work would destroy me and the people that I loved .
28 And when species differ in colour pattern , for example , it not at all infrequently turns out that it 's just one gene , or perhaps a couple erm I mean trituris marmaratis , which is rather a nice green newt , christatus , which is rather a nice black and yellow spotted newt , you can hybridize them and the difference is due to a single gene as far as the colour is concerned gene .
29 No , they had no warrant , but they could take him and the boat back to Oban , where a warrant could be obtained No objection ?
30 We would administer it and the access and hardship funds connected to the scheme and inform the Government of the money to be repaid .
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