Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A designer , working into a defined space , should recognise that both the space itself and the forces bearing upon it will develop centres of energy .
2 With constant progression in the scientific world , most would consider that technologically the world will be a very different place in years to come .
3 But he could be touchpaper , and a spark from a fancied slight , a disagreement over politics , a moment of heedlessness from someone , and he would catch and soon the conflagration was at full blast consuming everything in its path : new friendships , old friendships , new clients , his reputation , his wife 's love , even that .
4 Erm then he moves on to the middle peasants erm they 're similar , I mean once again they , they 've got enough to eat , they are , they are n't under as much stress , I mean th th they can su survive and so the idea of them risking all to support a revolution would be very er you know very risky at the time at the beginning er the opening period erm so once again th th I 'd say their conclusion is afraid not , you know , I wo n't join a peasant association , i it wo n't last .
5 ‘ Similarly , if a woman has a child 's high voice and is arguing with a child , the child will always win because only the child 's voice is natural .
6 On that view why did he stress that both the label-switching and the removal from the shelves had to take place ?
7 Nor do I think that either the father or the court were exercising any rights of custody at the time of the removal .
8 Some of them took great satisfaction in provocative statements of their position : there is no such thing as law , they said , or law is only the prediction of what the courts will do or only a matter of what the judge ate for breakfast .
9 Unless the landlord is prepared to agree that the insurance should be in the joint names of the landlord and tenant , which is unlikely as the landlord would wish to keep control of the policy and proceeds , the tenant should ensure that either the landlord will act reasonably in deciding which other risks it may wish to insure against , or that the tenant will also have the right to nominate risks .
10 In some situations it is also necessary for the owner of the animal to be accompanied by a nurse , but careful planning should ensure that neither the volunteer nor the PAT dog is put at risk .
11 Can he therefore confirm that either the Secretary of State has breached the security rules or that the excuse of national security has been used merely to cover the fact that the Government made the decisions on political rather than on military grounds ?
12 Another thing about Steven Hughes Conference is that he knows what he 's talking about , on on shop floor iss issues like health and safety and those colleagues who were present at the launch of the G M B's National Health and Safety Campaign will confirm that especially the way he described the Chief Executive of the Health and Safety Executive .
13 A modern mind may well feel that even the hint was too much .
14 I have heard Christians give all sorts of response to this , for some will feel that indeed a non-Christian will not attain to eternal life .
15 In the inflationary expansion one might expect that eventually the symmetry between the forces would be broken , just as supercooled water always freezes in the end .
16 Both dramatic playing and performance use dramatic metaphors , abstractions which immediately qualify the kind , intensity and degree of emotional response — one can reasonably assume that neither the actor on stage nor the child in the classroom is actually going to experience murderous intent , overwhelming grief , spiritual ecstasy or sexual arousal during the drama experience .
17 Let us assume that initially the exchange rate was in a stable equilibrium with no shifts in the demand for and supply of sterling .
18 One would feel happier about the anthropic principle , at least in its weak version , if one could show that quite a number of different initial configurations for the universe would have evolved to produce a universe like the one we observe .
19 disconnected the gas , took that bloody old heater off , connected it up somewhere else and whatever they 're gon na do and then the gas is coming through a fire .
20 That they did not do and now the leader of the council said well they 're trying to get down to the standard spending assessment at last , he could have done that a long time ago , you have had nothing but excess expenditure proposals on behalf of this city for many , many years .
21 Erm from there we went into this purpose built flat above a grocers shop , it was meant for the manager of the grocers shop , but he had better sense and so the flat became available for letting to the Borough Council who at the insistence of the owners of the house we were in , erm , were anxious to get their property back and so we found ourselves in a brand new flat , the first tenants , although this was not very highly to be recommended , you approached your flat up er stone staircase , er from the outside so you exposed to the elements er you then walked across the roof , flat roof over the shops until you came to your flat door , erm , Islington at that time was just beginning the , to see the influx of immigrants from the colonies as they were in those days and er , they in turn created much heavier demand on what little vacant property there was , so that the district rapidly deteriorated and for many people who were not in the fortunate position that we were found it necessary or desirable to leave because they were sharing rooms or sharing houses with people whose ways of life were different from theirs and this is something I think that housing authorities learnt to appreciate over the years that the differences between people 's ways of life are one of the major causes of social distress .
22 Taking responsibility for your joints and limbs — knowing that it can only enhance and better the quality of your life — is this easy !
23 However , temporary problems do arise and then a filter can undoubtedly assist , particularly in the smaller pool where a natural balance is more difficult to establish .
24 Only in the late nineteenth century did these contracts generally disappear and instead the land was sold or let and the old people lived off the cash proceeds .
25 Depression , which is expressed in tears , can follow or else a sense of outrage at not being taken seriously , which can explode in the form of tears of rage .
26 I did not mind that often the work was well below what I felt certain I could do .
27 Lord Lyons , the British Ambassador in Paris , told the Foreign Office on two separate occasions that ‘ I do not believe that either the Emperor or his Ministers either wish for war or expect it . ’
28 ‘ Take a look behind , nephew , ’ came the answer , ‘ and you will see that already the litter carrying the prince has turned off for Westminster ! ’
29 Erm , it 's been an important year for us , and I think that , you may recall that last year we talked a bit about the Nathan report , and er , if you look at the Directors er , report , you will see that quite a lot of the work that we talked about and was in the Nathan report , is now under way , and I think it 's very important .
30 I wan na see that then the bungalow 's got four , five bedrooms ?
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