Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] [verb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If we can not predict or cope with major discontinuities should we bother about them ?
2 None the less , Salmon did know and correspond with other Ranters and sectarians associated with them , and he was imprisoned with Coppe and Wyke .
3 The ozone layer ( spread out between 12 and 50km above the Earth ) , has always existed and , left to its own devices , will regenerate and interact with other airborne gases to create a perfect balance .
4 Can one person count and cope with that sort of flow ?
5 Cast-iron saucepans These will rust unless coated with vitreous enamel .
6 The accord exists because all promises of a ‘ happy ’ after-life are related to ‘ happiness ’ with the meaning it has acquired in the worldly sense , for indeed , it can mean nothing else , as human beings can neither experience nor envisage with any real conviction , any other kind of happiness .
7 Do not dress or interfere with severe burns until expert help is available but do treat the shock .
8 She said to Rachaela , ‘ You can stay and help with this .
9 Then , as trees and shrubs mature , stones weather and acquire the patina of moss , our garden can evolve and improve with each successive season .
10 It implies that , since subjects can not completely understand or communicate with each other , or even themselves , the full ‘ representation ’ of women by female subjects , or of particular , female-identified subject areas , methods or theories , is impossible .
11 Indeed , one might wonder how the same basic story line would look if supplemented with those evaluative devices .
12 As discussed in section 8.4.3 , the bacterium Rhizobium spp. is one of the main bacteria involved in nitrogen fixation via its symbiotic relationship with leguminous plant species , and much work has been undertaken on the beneficial effects on crop productivity which may ensue if seeding with this bacterium is undertaken .
13 You should understand and sympathise with other people .
14 The Butler-Sloss Report ( Cleveland Report , 1988 ) highlighted the problems in the UK and makes recommendations , and the Children 's Legal Centre has published a booklet ( 1988 ) which concentrates on the procedures professionals should follow when dealing with suspected child abuse .
15 The cymbal is indestructible , except by nearly-silence which skulks in a corner unable to really move or communicate with other potential nearly-silences .
16 Ripe females will stop and spawn with one or more males of their choice .
17 If , however , the amendments are rejected by the Commons , the Lords must decide whether to persist with these .
18 If the directors are authorised generally they may also be given power , by the articles or by the resolution , to allot equity securities as if section 89(1) did not apply or applied with such modifications as the directors determined .
19 The concept of alignment recognises how one member of a family system may oppose or join with another in carrying out some task .
20 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
21 Both teachers and pupils will select and experiment with different styles , depending on their immediate power needs ; unless pupil deviance is gender-based , there is no guarantee that sex role shifts will reorient that deviance .
22 That this Conference , while recording its desire to see working men in Parliament on the Unionist side , thinks it undesirable that any distinction should be made between them and other members , and therefore expresses the opinion that all Unionist organizations should select and support with all their power the best candidate they can find to represent their constituency , irrespective of his social and financial status .
23 Since cats can see , hear and smell with more sensitivity than we can , it is reassuring to find that in one respect at least we have superior sense organs .
24 Take a week ashore at a Torba Houseparty , followed by a week on board with 8 to 14 other guests , visiting the harbours that others ca n't reach and playing with two windsurfers aboard .
25 ‘ I 'm so besotted with you , I 'll probably love , honour and obey with depressing servitude ! ’
26 ‘ Dear Sir or Madam , ’ it read , ‘ I asked if Willie could go and stay with God-fearing people so I hope he is .
27 and I 've heard him say oh can I go and play with such a boy , he said he likes going to Kirsty , Kirsty and Hannah and Kirsty and Graham he 's quite fond of them too and Adam
28 When they served her with a stallion you see , it was three weeks elapsed then before she if you did n't go and foal with that service it was three weeks elapsed afore you game again .
29 It happens that Mr X 's preferred language is French , but even in that tongue he could not write or spell with any normal level of competence and his grammar was almost non-existent .
30 And sometimes if there was just a few of the men maybe two men in the camp , they would come and help with even fencing or or erm build up a dyke or something like that Even drain they would stay for days if they wanted draining the fields , mm it was that .
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