Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [v-ing] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Charles and Diana were anxious to stress they will carry on providing a secure and loving environment .
2 A teacher calling the names of pupils from a register will often do so using a level tone on each name , and the pupils would be likely to respond with yes when their name was called .
3 ‘ You do n't mind not having a joint account , do you , darling ? ’ he said to her .
4 ‘ Of course , there 's a way you can work around playing a minor blues in a major tuning — in open G , for instance , you just play the top three strings at the third fret and that gives you a B flat major chord that you can use as a G minor — but it still felt pretty limiting .
5 How on earth does one set about devising a convincing measure of something as impalpable , though nevertheless real , as the degree of trades union militancy ?
6 Just as depressing , though , was the general failure of Hollywood to move on from certain basic themes and situations and there was a new realization of the industry 's tendency to just go on duplicating a successful format .
7 In the first issue , Owen finds out he has diabetes and we follow him through his first visit to the doctor and then at the hospital , as he learns how to manage diabetes so that he can go on living a normal life .
8 Major ignored the prophets of financial doom who fear the taxpayer could end up footing a massive bill by insisting : ‘ I think it 's a good bargain for all of us . ’
9 It is common to seek a whitewash in a reverse takeover where the shareholders of the target company will end up holding a controlling interest in the acquiring company .
10 In fact , if you think you may end up wanting a second machine ( of a different gauge ) as well as a standard gauge , it makes sense to buy the model without a KnitRadar and then buy the KnitRadar as an add-on accessory which you can use with whichever machine you are knitting on .
11 The second drawback is that if you spend too much time standing back , commenting on what 's going on , using humour and changing the subject you may end up disrupting a collective sense of purpose and fail to meet your objective .
12 ‘ If they stopped shouting ‘ Jobson out , Murphy out ’ and started supporting the team , we might end up winning a few games . ’
13 Try to assert yourself too quickly and you 'll end up making a counter-productive move .
14 do is end up making a bigger profit
15 I do n't recall ever seeing a big beardy climber lying down in the heather having a tantrum , or a party of Outward Bound students holding their heads and crying into their gaiters , so one is forced to conclude that I am alone in my hill hysteria .
16 ‘ People wo n't have to go to work , so they can sit around having a good laugh . ’
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