Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [prep] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was suggested that the plaster should stay on for between four and six weeks after which he might like to think of building up its strength .
2 But er , I can count up to about seven , I can say yes and no and please and thank you and
3 Alright , alright let me speak separately to about that .
4 Who did Elton John team up with for last year 's chart smash Do n't Let the Sun Go Down on Me ?
5 Aplysia can grow up to about 30 centimetres long and weigh a couple of kilos , and of the several species the biggest and experimentally most popular ( I do n't say the best ) comes from California — Aplysia californica .
6 and then they say , Are you going to what are you gon na do now for for next cup ?
7 Nicholle and Janine 's body-fat ratios have been measured at up to 31.7 per cent , but women of their age should shape up at between 20-22 per cent .
8 Each weapon costs $300000 without its warhead , and the production rate will quickly build up to between 25 and 30 a month .
9 That 'll take up to about half five erm what have I got to do to make sure you 've understood what I 'm saying ?
10 There 's only so much that anybody 's brain can handle at any one time so let's just do a little experiment because there was a chap called George Miller an American psychologist who worked on this idea of what is the capacity of the brain , how many bits of information can the brain hold on to at any given time .
11 It should go right across at one end .
12 And also we 've got ta go down to minus one , so we 'll put it there and hope and pray we 've got enough on this time .
13 Er a and for one guy to attend for two days , the guy might go off for for two days .
14 and then if it 'd go up to about one seven she said , and I could n't sell it here she said , I 'm not Chester prices I 'm just that bit cheaper .
15 erm , erm normally they start at one thirty and they can go up to about three or four pound a great big tub .
16 erm should she pack up her Saturday job , it pays around twenty pound and it will go up to about twenty five , and Sue and Will sat and talked about it and she got , she 's surprising been interviewed for the W R A F but I mean that 's not gon na be so easy these days , I mean they 're gon na take the exceptionals that they need are n't they ?
17 LWT 's managers will end up with between 5 and 15 per cent of the new company depending on the performance in the interim , for which they will pay £3m — £700,000 in cash and £2.3m in forgone share options .
18 It is structured so that LWT 's managers will end up with between 5 per cent and 15 per cent of the new company , depending on how well LWT performs in the meantime , which they will pay for in 1993-94 at today 's prices .
19 She can go out for with some friends eh , every time she wants .
20 ‘ Do n't ask me , missis ; all I know , wherever she went on those nights , she 'd leave here at half-past six and it was lucky if the clock saw her coming in that door at half-past eleven at night . ’
21 As we drive to McDonald 's , Blake explains that the company can probably only come down to about one p.p.m. zinc , and only then if it spends a lot of money .
22 Most cour I mean you nor you can get up to about ten percent on most cou on a lot of courses , where people leave after the first term .
23 Let's see how many so whats you can come up with after this .
24 Chair , may I just come back on on one point .
25 ‘ How can we tell whether the wretched creature 's legs are red or not , if it wo n't come out from behind that clump of grass ? ’
26 ‘ I said I 'd get here about half-past two .
27 We 'll er do these just crack handle and then we 'll show what information we can obtain alright from from this model and there 's an example on a sheet of paper just to er run it home right .
28 I think basically having having heard the argument put forward from from both sides what what we 're really talking about is a is a policy that in in terms of its support from the districts it depends whether or not any particular district council might have such a use for the policy .
29 Consider Best Bars as a first resort , regard the single cocktail you 'll shell out for as sheer investment , get yourself gift wrapped , send for our jetset silklook shirt , rid yourself of even that inch-of-pinch and the body beautiful will be guaranteed bait for ace race driver or millionaire financier in advanced stages of senility .
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