Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Denis Smith says it was an interesting game and his team played well … it was a hard game … but after four defeats it was just the result they wanted and will help build them up for the rest of the season
2 You do n't want them up in the top the next group
3 Hold onto all these smells until the evening , when you can deliver them up onto the blank paper .
4 Her marrying Dad did n't screw me up like the other two .
5 ‘ Then he can tie them up with the firm .
6 Before fifteen days are over , if it please God , those tambours shall be laid before you , and shall be sounded for your pleasure , and then they shall be given to the Bishop Don Hieronymo , that he may hang them up in the Church of St. Mary , Mother of God .
7 Those sausages were a credit to Mother because she knew just the seasoning they required , and we would hang them up in the kitchen for people to eat as they pleased .
8 Why do n't you come up here for a week or two and I 'll show you how to knit a string bag to put hubby in then you can hang him up with the onions .
9 They always , they always lag as you know , our , our , we always underspend capital in the first half against what our division think they 're gon na do and they always think they 're gon na catch it up in the second half , they never do but erm , it wo n't be , you know , it wo n't be materially different .
10 They used to , cos they 'd put a couple in the old anchor boat what we were n't using it , put a couple in there and they 'd tow 'em up to the dock .
11 Mhm so did they they give them up to the folk
12 Just as a kid he would lift me up on the m up on the er counter , you know and me I was born in and then we shifted to the bottom , you know that white house , I think it 's all offices now , in the the erm big gates of the cathedral .
13 You can warm them up on the Aga , okay ?
14 ‘ I 'll bring them up in the morning after breakfast . ’
15 On Fridays and other fast-days he would lock himself up in the church for many hours .
16 Paul Johnson 's production is a masterwork of clarity and while it does n't quite haul itself up to the avant-garde peaks of Celtic Frost , it hammers off at enough tangents to cover almost all the bases .
17 Paul Johnson 's production is a masterwork of clarity and while it does n't quite haul itself up to the avant-garde peaks of Celtic Frost , it hammers off at enough tangents to cover almost all the bases .
18 ‘ We must carry her up to the sick-room . ’
19 I would n't give him up for the world . ’
20 Those previous kisses had had meaning after all , and now he had only to utter those three little words that would send her up into the clouds .
21 Best to sit back and cue him up for the one-liners .
22 It is the same with the notion that you can bring everybody up to the average .
23 They found the brassiere under the bed and Jo let him hook it up at the back for her .
24 We 've got some soup so we thought well we can make some of that up in the morning then we could just warm it up for the dinners
25 We 'll bring it up at the staff meeting on Monday and take it on from there .
26 Would it be a situation if we asked the Town Clerk and er maybe with the Chairman , it 's a little bit difficult , I think the Town Clerk at this stage , to speak to and then if it seems possible we could bring it up at the Planning Committee meeting and arrange a date to go down and have a look , when we 've actually approached the land owners .
27 ‘ I 've been involved in a few of these things but I 've never seen anyone bring it up to the level he did — he turned it up a few notches . ’
28 Will you bring it up to the house tomorrow , instead ? ’ he shouted .
29 we 've done very well for escaping it , the only trouble is we have n't got the rain and now , this , this coming summer I dread to think what 's gon na happen , look how dry those fields are , just look at it if we get a wind up , if we , a wind starts to blow it 'll move a lot of this , it will just lift it up into the air , we 'll get clouds of soil blowing all over the place .
30 I know but I can warm mine up in the microwave , have you got a meeting tonight ?
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