Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] to the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Our Discovery Tour of Sri Lanka will introduce you to the many wonders of this harmonious land .
2 If they are predominantly female , and 83 per cent of part-timers are , the equal pay legislation may entitle them to the same benefits and conditions as their full-time colleagues .
3 A difficulty is that Mercier 's brushwork , and an essential freedom in his style , does not lend itself to the same kind of minute scrutiny that could be applied to a painter like Zoffany .
4 Normally when you copy , you copy somewhere different , er , which I could do , but er , I 'm gon na copy it to the same place .
5 This is a matter of personal conscience and what every member in the council chamber today must be aware of , is that there is a vociferous and committed group of people we know that because we 've all had a great deal of communication from them and interestingly enough I have and most of the communication I 've had has been in favour so victory , people who write must be extremely perceptive in , with er marketing the that 's not the point , we all know that there is a committed and vociferous group of people whose consciences do not lead them to the same conclusions as Mr 's conscience and the issue really is , do we in a liberal and democratic society have the right to impose our consciences on those of other people who live in the community and quite clearly and quite determinedly take a different view .
6 You will ask yourself , ‘ If I listen to my best friend within and follow the precepts , will he lead me to the same holiness as those whose life was dedicated to the light ? ’
7 Colin inspected the room looking for the clues , looking for the vital piece of information that would lead him to the same conclusion as Smith .
8 When two guanine bases are side by side in the DNA chain , both can attach themselves to the same platinum atom , forming a stable complex .
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