Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 Although they did n't know their names at the time , they spotted Dominic Wetherby and the American boy , Lee Horan , going into the public bar , but no-one suggested that the two parties should join up .
2 Hand-loom weaving has always been considered a male artisan activity , with the concession that wives from time to time might assist their husbands at the cottage loom .
3 Good , okay well let's take some details from you and what I 'll do is I 'll register your details onto our mailing list so that erm , anything that 's coming onto the market you 'll get a phone call on straight away to let you know but also I 'll then check and see what we 've got that might suit your requirements at the moment .
4 The Sztuki will be sending more than 700 pieces and more than twenty hours of video as well as eight performance artists who will show their installations at the Espace Lyonnaise d'Art Contemporain .
5 ‘ He 'll finish his days at the end of a rope , ’ said the taxi driver , unclenching his buttocks .
6 ln Derbyshire Will Taylor , the county secretary , would do his sums at the end of the season before phoning the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth .
7 ‘ For instance , we ca n't show our faces at the palazzo until at least eleven tonight . ’
8 I said , ‘ Be a good boy and we can do our lessons at the beach .
9 All Winners will be notified within four weeks and must claim their prizes at the very latest by Friday 22nd June .
10 The launderers were at their evening meal — I could see their backs at the windows .
11 So this morning , Jones and Co can again thumb their noses at the elite ( if they can find it through the hangover haze ) thanks to Lawrie Sanchez 's 80th-minute strike .
12 Goats will even toss their horns at the shadow of an eagle flying overhead , and will chase eagles off ledges .
13 Two acting notes for Frank : Less is more — do not shift your eyes at the audience so much , stare them down once every scene ; when in doubt about what to say next do not keep ad-libbing about Harry .
14 ‘ We 'll dump our things at the hotel , ’ Ward said , ‘ and if there 's time we 'll have a look round . ’
15 ‘ If you 'd prefer to not risk my efforts at the barbecue I can easily set off for home right now .
16 Prisoners offered the choice very rarely preferred death to the colonies but , because they were essentially treated in the same way as indentured servants , they could only go to America if a merchant was willing to take them on the basis of a calculation that he could sell their services at the other end .
17 I know there is a public perception that everyone should sell their shares at the first opportunity , but I think this could be a big mistake . ’
18 But in the absence of an adversary , the president has no compass that can guide his actions at the head of that state , except the new requirement to shrink it .
19 You can look now and have your questions at the ready .
20 That 's why I said to you do n't feed them titbits at the table because it 's so easy
21 Radical Whigs in the early 1680s had challenged the Crown 's control of the armed forces and of appointment to office : the Rye House Plotters wanted the militia placed " in the hands of the people " ; Monmouth had insisted that judges should not hold their commissions at the King 's pleasure but rather " during good behaviour " .
22 It was hoped that , with more publicity , people would leave their cars at the village hall instead and walk .
23 The skirt did not reach her calves at the ideal point for flattery .
24 All will lose their jobs at the end of next week .
25 Both players will receive their awards at the World Champions dinner which will be held in Paris in May .
26 When he first started selling peg trousers he developed a stance to show them off He 'd bend his legs at the knee and stand half turned .
27 From this side of the Atlantic we may raise our eyebrows at the opportunities for obstruction and procrastination and the constant search for the lowest common denominator , but arguably these are part of the price of freedom and democracy in the American context .
28 Clark , managing director at Orient , has been appointed chief executive of the League Managers Association , but will continue his duties at the club .
29 Held in the rear stalls at 6.15pm before any performance , these 20-minute chats about the music and the productions by members of the Company and other opera specialists will make your evenings at the Grand extra special — and still have time for that pre-performance drink .
30 Instead , the revamp has brought glassy-eyed , barely post-pubescent new presenters , who can grin , nod and say their lines at the same time .
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