Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [noun sg] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The objective of long-term stability in Japan 's conglomerate groupings does explain their preference for durable stockholders who place group cohesion ahead of short-term dividend gains .
2 ( We do not specify its value for other values of b . )
3 In general , then , newspapers do usually align themselves with certain political parties and do show their support for political party programmes and policies in a variety of ways , some stronger than others .
4 However , by careful listening to your lecturer you may possibly identify his preference for certain topics .
5 Of late , we have seen the appearance of league tables for schools — soon we will see their counterpart for other council services — which will then be combined to produce composite indicators .
6 It is also argued that it is inconsistent with human dignity that a woman should use her uterus for financial profit and treat it as an incubator for someone else 's child . ’
7 Erm , some film producer sitting in London , thinks of a rural county , he 'll probably think of Shropshire , and I think this is typical example of how we can dribble away our scarce resources on a couple of thousand here , a couple of thousand there to other bodies , erm , I am , I 'm , I 'm against this proposal , we 'll keep our money for essential items .
8 And then we wrote back to them and said we are very likely getting funding from , in which case can we use your money for other purposes er Well one reason specifically said chairs .
9 We 'll miss their pitch for sure .
10 It is often assumed that clients interfere with their ulcers between treatments to ensure the community nurse will revisit and meet their need for social contact .
11 If that failed , the next move would probably be to a Federal penitentiary where a fight in the yard or a sudden bout of pneumonia would secure his silence for good .
12 Their outstanding abilities lay elsewhere and ie is to their fine engineering achievements in vaulting such constructions as the Basilica of Constantine and the Baths of Diocletian , or in the building of amphi-theatres such as the Colosseum , or in layouts like the Palace of Diocletian in Split or the Villa of Hadrian at Tivoli that we can appreciate their genius for architectural effect and scale in planning .
13 His successors did not share his passion for maritime affairs ; and in the 1730s and 1740s the fleet he had created was allowed to decline sharply in numbers and efficiency .
14 The establishment 's boast was that if it was n't on the menu , then you could take your pick for free .
15 Those who live permanently in them do not always share our nostalgia for big , happy extended families : nor do all those who participate in that often-associated matrimonial arrangement , polygyny , find it equally attractive .
16 Some social service departments provide a laundry service for people with incontinence , or who can not manage their laundry for other reasons .
17 A further 60 seats would be filled by a second vote in which electors would express their preference for political parties rather than individual candidates , with the seats being distributed in accordance with the proportion of the vote achieved by each party .
18 By the third year , the young orang is much more venturesome and will leave its mother for short spells , especially if it meets other youngsters who are willing to play .
19 The Scottish National Party deputy leader , Allan Macartney , said that Highlands and Islands needs had been accentuated by recent job losses , and forecast : ‘ The UK will never press our case for regional funding as effectively as we could .
20 I shall go to antenatal classes where I shall nourish my obsession for natural childbirth .
21 He can take some comfort in the fact that , while his mistress works on becoming music 's ‘ Name of the 90s ’ , he can fully indulge his passion for roast chicken .
22 What you love are all those glitzy London shops where you can indulge your weakness for expensive baubles . ’
23 To break up the Union now would diminish our influence for good in the world , just at the time when it is most needed .
24 Make sure that there is adequate follow-up included in the deal so that you will know how and where the tape was used and can assess its value for future PR programmes .
25 THE BRITISH government should increase its support for industrial R&D by between two and three times to keep the country abreast with its competitors .
26 The council hopes the publicity will help its application for European funding for a project on the river .
27 The grandiose question hid Coleridge 's simple discovery that neither natural beauty nor loving domesticity could replace his need for intellectual stimulation and a creed to hold to and to preach .
28 Remember that it is not a race , so do not suddenly ask your horse for maximum speed .
29 If you are someone who is interpreted as aggressive and would like to be less so– you can increase your adaptability for different situations and people by using commonality tactics .
30 We will increase our support for British Coal Enterprise which promotes economic regeneration in areas affected by the closure of mines , and has successfully assisted 76,000 people in finding new jobs .
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