Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And you know very well that once you are gone Miss Araminta will throw me out of the house . ’
2 I do n't want them out of the way , I 'm just saying how many you 've got !
3 ‘ Or you could throw someone out into the Connaught Tunnel .
4 Francis has aggravated an old groin problem in training , and said : ‘ You can count me out for the next two weeks . ’
5 Because if you are I 'd better count you out of the reckoning right away .
6 I did all that and you 're gon na hang it out on the line .
7 The formation of planetary systems and the size and chemical composition of each member are , then , remarkably regular : given a sun-sized star a computer generally comes up with a similar range of planets to that in the solar system , with small rocky planets closest to the star and the large gaseous ones further out ( due to the effects of gravity , orbits would later space themselves out along the lines of our own solar system ) .
8 with their help and medication , I mean you do n't sling them out on the street
9 The state of mind of day-dream escapers was not simple and they both believed in their plans and knew quite well that they would never carry them out at the same time .
10 We 'd clear them out for the licensee if he was having trouble .
11 It is also useful to remove all the adult leaves from waterlilies ( or indeed any lily-like aquatics ) before planting , as these give the plants buoyancy and can lift them out of the basket .
12 But through , through erm the period , particularly after campaigns in nineteen forty one , forty two , you , you , you 've got a l a lot of people coming into the Party , then they 've all been instilled with the spirit , you can then send them out into the villages .
13 The descent spiral would bring them out from the cloud at almost the exact point where the mysterious Sakkratian doctor had been located by the Cell .
14 In verse erm thirteen , I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them into their own land .
15 ‘ Surely , then , Kenneth , this great grudge of theirs will bring them out against the enlistment ? ’
16 Walking uphill can suddenly bring you out of the mist and into the sunshine , with beautiful panoramas .
17 In Mondano , turn left again by Signora Fantoni 's alimentari ( best mozzarella cheese in the district ) and immediately double back to the right down a single-track road which will bring you out behind the Castello Crocetto ( most reliable source of Chianti ) .
18 hold on , hold on , just a moment , she does n't know , but a biopsy can take a week , a week to come through , she would n't expect you out before the weekend
19 " Fiddy , if you do n't hold your tongue , I 'll send you out of the room . "
20 She said she might as well chuck herself out of the window .
21 In the end she saw the giant fish-hooks come down down into her and she thought they would haul her out of the depths , but they did not .
22 Rab said , ‘ I 'll send her out tae the chemist . ’
23 I learned that even if you pay the mortgage on your home and your husband contributes nothing to bills , you can not legally lock him out of the matrimonial home .
24 They would hide all his own clothes and , having forced him to wear his sister 's , they would lock him out in the street to be chased and bullied by the neighbourhood gangs .
25 It occurred to her that he could tip her out of the window without any effort at all , and she shrank back .
26 Overlooking the causal nature of meaning with respect to usage leads here to obvious circularity within the formal framework however : to is first defined as necessary to support a clausal complement with no discussion of the data which contradict this postulate ( cf She helped lift him out of the bed ; You 've missed things .
27 He 's hoping to make enough money from the deck that the authorities wo n't send him out to the front .
28 The finals take place later in the week when the last 32 teams will battle it out in the historic surroundings of the Oxford Union .
29 She 'd bring it out into the open .
30 I mean can you bring it out into the open ?
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