Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You can work on those and you can build them up in two or three or four year 's time job changes this might take a bit more of a a higher priority .
2 I think when I meet — and maybe would count them not in hundreds , but in tens — when I meet women who make those sorts of comments and say this time last year I would not have said that , then those sorts of things encourage me very much .
3 However , we shall not discuss them further in this book .
4 This danger is particularly great in relation to procedural impropriety , and we shall discuss it again in that context .
5 Rather than discuss it again in this report , we shall briefly recall the main points of those of its conclusions relating specifically to credit :
6 Taylor can describe it only in general outline .
7 But apart from that pick and mix they do n't do nothing else in small things
8 they would , I mean we 've heard stories one of the , John one of the school drivers who 's an Indian , he could n't bel they bring them out in big large groups .
9 But does n't everybody give himself/herself away in such commonplace situations ?
10 But I enjoy knowing that the first sun in the world will warm you here in these islands .
11 ‘ I 'll make sure that I 'll bring her back in one piece , ’ André was saying , but Piers had turned away and gave no indication of having heard what was being said to him .
12 This was the first time in her life that she 'd been in the company of a man who could bring her out in nervous flushes , make her heartbeat race and her stomach turn all watery , just by watching her …
13 You can bring it off in one step with 99 per cent purity . ’
14 That is absolutely contrary to the constitutional position that Parliament can alter an Act previously passed , and it can do so by repealing in terms the previous Act — Mr Hill agrees that it may do so — and it can do it also in another way — namely , by enacting a provision which is clearly inconsistent with the previous Act .
15 Do n't let's do it here in this house with your mother and father watching and perhaps listening … . ’
16 ‘ She and the beetle do n't do anything together in that way , but I am afraid that he will romantically take her away .
17 When these new factors are brought out by the informant the interviewer can then follow them up in more detail by a simple prompt , such as ‘ Tell me more about what happened when the old vicar died and this new man came who fell out with the schoolmaster . ’
18 Similarly , science may describe what electricity , gravity or radiation do and we can use them reliably in practical applications , but we still may not be able to describe precisely what they are .
19 And I 'll tell you why I think it 's reasonable , Because they would only use them seriously in extreme circumstances .
20 Visualize how it is going to fit in with its neighbours : the stems may be rough-trimmed , but you will prune them later in early spring , not now , and then the new growth will follow much the same line of the present branches .
21 I will see you both in two days ’ time . ’
22 I 'll ring you back in five minutes . ’
23 He must have been lurking in the church hall , though I could n't see him properly in that dark corner .
24 When you meet Cis now , you can still see her clearly in that eulogy .
25 I think they must have had a bleeper on my car ; I never checked , and they 'd have taken it away when they caught up — damn it , it 's what I 'd have done : a simple radio bleeper with a magnet , you can stick it on in two seconds .
26 Cos the key thing with Clare is , she 's don she 's obviously gone back doing a lot , but who 's gon na follow it up in three months time , to see
27 We may see it even in political fundamentalism — where the teachings of a reformer are still seen as the crystal clear teachings which are the pure source of revelation , and from which deviation is heresy .
28 And so er they had to go to the workhouse you see and I can see it now in this er this cobbled street and this er cab er drawn by a horse of course , hansom cab .
29 And of course he could use it up in subsequent years , he could move some of this into a P E P .
30 ‘ At the time I could see myself eventually in some sort of consultancy capacity . ’
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