Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You can work on those and you can build them up in two or three or four year 's time job changes this might take a bit more of a a higher priority .
2 They wo n't want me here with all this happening .
3 And they did n't really want them back at that time .
4 The examples of ( 10 ) have interesting implications , but we shall restrict ourselves here to those aspects which bear on adjectival grammar ; we take them as confirming evidence that we are justified in following Bolinger and recognizing that certain adjectives qualify another property , qua property , and are not to be assigned , independently , to any entity present in or assumed by the structure of the sentence in which they appear .
5 I think when I meet — and maybe would count them not in hundreds , but in tens — when I meet women who make those sorts of comments and say this time last year I would not have said that , then those sorts of things encourage me very much .
6 People do seem to find some goals more attractive than others and will pursue them sometimes with frenetic activity .
7 Lil should know me better after all these years .
8 However , we shall not discuss them further in this book .
9 The bus would catch me up about halfway . ’
10 they 're very brave Can dry them off on that
11 In this section we shall confine ourselves mainly to inorganic nomenclature and leave a more systematic treatment of organic nomenclature until chapter 17 .
12 I 'll buy you out on that Ga .
13 Silvex Modes , do pop in , ladies , convenient hours to suit you and the kiddies , and we 'll lovingly screw you over for fifty pence an hour .
14 I 'm gon na fucking smack you all round this house very shortly !
15 He wrote , ‘ Only a socialist Latin or Spanish America can pit itself effectively against plutocratic , imperialist North America .
16 We 'll hang you up over this machine , teach you to respect it . ’
17 Ah I did win s it was before , before Tasha and John got married it was er one of these catalogues that came through you see anyway I sent the thing back and I got the catalogue and they wanted some things out and you get twenty five pounds off whatever you ordered , the first order , so quite alright but I did win something out of that draw twenty five P
18 I do n't know him hardly at all .
19 It 'll mean seeing so much less of him , and God knows I seem to see little enough already , but being an only boy I 've felt I must pack him off to boarding-school to get some men in his life and break the apron-strings .
20 He said , I 'll catch him out on this one .
21 The hon. Gentleman says that that is what he is advocating , and says that we should reintroduce it now for those who face a shortfall in fees , but it would not make up the shortfall , because it would be part of the reasonable rate of fees .
22 Do n't I mean do n't , do n't buy it just for this it 's just that if you had it handy
23 For example , if one branch of a lineage puts up some ‘ core land ’ ( i.e. land of substantial symbolic meaning for the lineage 's patrimony ) for sale , another branch will buy it instead of some more fertile outlying land in order to maintain intact the honour ( or symbolic capital ) of the lineage .
24 They 've had him from the Wednesday , was it the Wed er , no from the Saturday to the Wednesday cos she was working and they took him on to seaside somewhere and when come home , he 's having stitches in his head where he 'd fell , he hit it on the stone or summat and I said oh did he enjoy it apart from that , she said he was a swine last night , he was screaming and hitting me and she called her husband down from work , she could n't control him , said she should of smacked his arse and put him in the cot .
25 This danger is particularly great in relation to procedural impropriety , and we shall discuss it again in that context .
26 Rather than discuss it again in this report , we shall briefly recall the main points of those of its conclusions relating specifically to credit :
27 I think there was one question I 'll I 'll root it out for next time erm and I was really stunned on it I might be okay on it now .
28 Cycle parking is actually I wish they 'd actually pay a bit more places to actually put your bike and you did n't have to sort of tie it up to some lamppost or something
29 Taylor can describe it only in general outline .
30 They would not wait it out like this for long .
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