Example sentences of "[vb infin] [art] [noun] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As the judge said , no doubt the Ledingham-Smiths were influenced by a desire to retain the accountants ' services , but this did not make the payments a preference in the absence of evidence that they would , not may , benefit the creditor .
2 In short , it means that it becomes possible to impose almost any character you want on it , which should make the Standard a session player 's dream .
3 He could , of course , make the child a ward of court , but I doubted if any wardship would persuade the court to take a child away from a young and devoted mother .
4 ‘ But that does n't necessarily make the man a coward ? ’
5 Managers had hoped that closer co-operation with the unions would make the committees a place for consultation , not turn them into a battleground .
6 A few hours of your time can make the Fund a fortune so please phone Jane Milligan .
7 Well I would say Not being a riveter I would think it it did make the job a bit easier for them .
8 Indeed , the desire to succeed in the adopted sex role may make the transsexual a model parent .
9 And again , if he wanted to alter a painting later after its completion , if he did not go back to the first idea and atmosphere of conception , he could never make the alteration a success .
10 Well you can make the trees a bit longer
11 In an album deal at IRS , we would make the band an offer based on the percentage royalty points which we thought were appropriate , having worked out a budget to make a record .
12 The school 's view of the child , in which concepts such as sociological views ( EPA areas ) , psychological views ( schools for maladjusted ) , intellectual views ( grammar schools ) and finally the new hybrid , the technological ( CTCs ) , may affect the education a child receives .
13 It 's the shoulder that 's giving him a problem and er that 's always tricky because er it can er obviously affect the way a defender approaches the more physical aspect of his job .
14 From these goals three areas for enhancement were specified : new directives — structured comments that download commands to the compiler ; new constructs — a definition for operations that can affect the way a program is interpreted ; and language restrictions , which limit the use of sequence and storage association to avoid conflicts with distributed data .
15 From these goals three areas for enhancement were specified : new directives — structured comments that download commands to the compiler — new constructs — a definition for operations that can affect the way a program is interpreted — and language restrictions , which limit the use of sequence and storage association to avoid conflicts with distributed data .
16 It is worth pointing out that advocates of such a curriculum do not see knowledge as inert and impersonal but as something which can deeply affect the way an individual thinks , behaves and views the world .
17 Moreover , the presence of unco-operative minority shareholders may well affect the price a purchaser is prepared to offer .
18 It is important in this case , because only on this assumption can one explain the experience a reader gets from The Inheritors of " looking round the sides " of Lok 's world view , to see a more substantial reality behind it .
19 If , however , people believe that it will be a slow rise over time , they will want to buy sterling assets ( such as UK government bonds ) rather than money , since such assets will also earn the holder a rate of interest .
20 It did well , in a truncated version , but had cost so much that it did n't earn the studio a profit , and consequently Thalberg fired the profligate Stroheim during the filming of Merry-Go-Round .
21 No matter how much I hate — them — I will never root for my beloved Leeds to lose , even if it was to indirectly win the scum a treble .
22 By contrast , ‘ the only variables to consistently predict the probability a plant will close is the plant 's status as a branch , subsidiary , headquarters , or independent , and for independents , the firm 's age .
23 The purpose of recording interviews is to give students a chance to see themselves in a situation where they ca n't predict the direction an exchange may take .
24 The New Zealanders continue to strive for new Everests in rugby achievement and their coach , Alex Wyllie , has already thrown down the gauntlet by stating : ‘ If we lose a single game we will consider the tour a failure . ’
25 The problem for the Japanese is that Truk is a profitable destination for American travel companies and is part of the Federated States of Micronesia , a US protectorate , which does not consider the site a war grave .
26 somethin tae pit a bit a colour in her
27 He let them study the map a while , accustoming themselves once again to its details , then drew their attention to the large red-shaded area to the bottom left of the map .
28 I 'd show the kids a thing or two .
29 Might improve the performance a bit
30 Of course the difference is that Rooney 's view — that it is wrong to knowingly give the patient a drug that will harm her — probably has universal support .
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