Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] the [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Theda 's eyes remained closed as the lumbering stagecoach rumbled its way from Newark , where she had caught it outside the Saracen 's Head , to Ashby-de-la-Zouch , where it would remain for the night before proceeding to Stafford .
2 Much work might remain for the clergy both in imposing a code of Christian morals , and in determining where the line was to run between what could and what could not form a respectable part of the Christian life .
3 There 's a lot to be done if cases are to be taken to court , but the last thing Thames Water will want during the run up to privatisation is a long , drawn out damages claim where the point at issue is the safety of the water in the tap .
4 I hope it will bring a few people along to the network who will stay for the music afterwards . ’
5 She used the buses and wherever she found herself on the last bus at night , whether at her own home or at her son 's , she would stay for the night only to set off again early the following morning .
6 And I got up and I was gon na tie her up like but and by gosh I thought I 'd better make for the door again .
7 Once off the airfield , Stirling gave orders for the jeeps to split up and make for the rendezvous separately , as he was sure that the following morning the sky would be full of angry German fighters out looking for them .
8 A problem may obviously arise for the builder where the nominated supplier makes deliveries late in the month and the relevant invoices are not available at the date of the valuation .
9 Despite her depression she occupied herself with office tasks , and , although there were times when she dabbed at a tear , she reminded herself that she must prepare for the time when she would never see Silas again .
10 David Bailer does not think about the past very often .
11 Because I when you do think about the word then you leave some of the letters out .
12 ‘ If there is one company that can be said to have influenced British theatre in the eighties it is Cheek by Jowl … the effect of a Cheek by Jowl Shakespeare is to make you think about the play again .
13 Pilots are most vulnerable to all of these problems when they are out of practice or when they become blasé and do not think about the procedures regularly .
14 ‘ We ca n't think about the future now , ’ he says .
15 ‘ Oh , we 'll think about the coronation tomorrow , ’ the King said .
16 Now er it was n't that night I said it , it was afterwards so I said what did you think about the concert then ?
17 Now those critics have been joined by what entrenched IRFU committeemen may regard as the Enemy Within .
18 Robyn rose early to skies that promised a truly blissful day of warm summer sunshine , showered and dressed and then drove off in her dilapidated jeep which was packed to the gunwales with everything she might possibly need for the day ahead .
19 ‘ Méli , what do you know about the man over at Bourani ? ’
20 ‘ Does your mother know about the book yet ? ’
21 NIREX will opt for the place where they are least likely to meet opposition .
22 No , we 'll wait for the opportunity outside , if we wait here a month and more .
23 So that we can wait for the moment when she sees you well enough to be sure whether you are Liam or not .
24 We 'll wait for the lads up there to tell us about the blood and we 'll read the autopsy report .
25 ‘ Because you ca n't wait for the time when you 'll be a married woman ? ’
26 ‘ Did you fall through the floor too ? ’
27 And so on the whole the unions in Britain have seen this as a way of catching some people who otherwise would fall through the net entirely .
28 Please remember that , as Midland Lifetime is a unit-linked plan , the price of units can go down as well as up , and that it is possible that their value may fall below the amount originally invested .
29 It was disconcerting to his whole thesis that Branson did not behave like the enemy enough .
30 The original seven dwellings to the acre had been raised in Britain to around seventeen , at which density ‘ culs-de-sac and walkways , cars and garages did not merge into the landscape so happily . ' ’
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