Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [art] [adj] but " in BNC.

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1 Softened water may feel like a luxury but , it 's a real necessity for you , your family and your home .
2 What then do I do with a capable but unproductive pupil ?
3 I ca n't swear to the following but the headmaster said Basil was undoubtedly a gentleman , but he 'd rather not have his brother in case he turned out the same .
4 Let us hope for the best but be prepared for the worst .
5 He does n't react to the negative but takes positive steps to be successful .
6 From there the single line emerged onto the road , and along one side of it the train to West Cork would puff and blow at a brisk but not incautious pace , its smoke staining the leaves of the roadside trees , the guard ringing his bell almost without stop until they were approaching Carrigrohane and could reasonably expect to be out of range of busy pedestrians , excited children , and messenger boys on bicycles plaguing the engine-driver by trying to outspeed him .
7 ‘ He did not paint in the ghastly but important details then .
8 In Dean v Prince [ 1954 ] 1 Ch 409 , at 419 , Lord Evershed MR said that the most obvious case of mistake would be if the valuer omitted altogether to take account of some substantial asset or made a serious arithmetical miscalculation in regard to a single but material part of the whole process .
9 Stern 's ironic and humane gaze can stand as a tiny but glowing symbol of everything that Britain gained from his generation of migrants .
10 FRONTED by Fiona Armstrong and Michael Wilson , GMTV promises its potential 40 million viewers it will ‘ inform and entertain in a popular but authoritive way ’ .
11 Each competitor will play as an individual but score as a team over two 45-minute games .
12 If the memory of the association of a given flavour with illness can be taken to be more important than the memory that the flavour has also been experienced without harmful consequences , then the latter memory would interfere after a short but not after a long retention interval .
13 He could get into a stable but was unable to get out . ’
14 Bloody hell , I 'd even settle for a monthly but Punch should n't be allowed to just expire .
15 It 's very good to compare how people see you , because if for example , your score came out we 'll say at a hundred but you work mainly with adapters , the innovators who were up here , they 're going to think that you 're an adapter .
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