Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] [prep] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I have in mind that point beyond which parents are no longer flexible , do n't allow their children a certain amount of leeway , are not prepared to overlook or make light of mistakes or misdemeanours .
2 The computers can recognise thousands of words and , unlike older systems , do not have to be trained laboriously for each word .
3 ‘ And how do we do that with radios and telephone knocked out by the storm ? ’
4 You can repay your loan at any time , ahead of schedule — for example , if you sell your practice or share in a practice — and can do this in instalments if it suits you .
5 Make an apple crumble crunchier with cornflakes or bran with crystallised ginger .
6 This may consist either of views as to the proper policy-making procedures — the way things are to be done — or of particular sets of policies that are perceived to be in the best interests of the nation .
7 The Gatt trade discussions being held up over disputes about EC subsidies for oilseeds and the volume of exports could generate billions of dollars for world trade .
8 ‘ Let him choose two with pictures and … . ’
9 Tell you what , we are you do n't do bad for tools that we buy off them .
10 Because they do things like that at customs because they 're looking , they 're always looking for drugs and things that should n't come in .
11 I also believe that the manner of Senor di Meana 's intervention demonstrated to the full that the Government are right to stress the principle of subsidiarity which holds that the Commission should not become involved in matters that can more effectively be dealt with by member states .
12 But they 'd probably look better in Skiathos than Skem !
13 It follows from this that the producer must keep abreast of developments until the product leaves his control .
14 It is not that primary teachers must become preoccupied with examinations or tests to be taken at the time when a child changes school .
15 On the one hand this is easy , not to say natural , but the ride can become fraught with contradictions and potholes , such as what to do about Section 28 .
16 He wanted an assurance that the Dardanelles would remain closed to warships because he feared the possibility of a British or French attack on the southern part of the Russian Empire .
17 Info centre to stay shut on Saturdays A TOURIST information centre will remain closed on Saturdays after Middlesbrough councillors decided they could not afford to open the Corporation Road office for a sixth day , despite a campaign to increase tourism .
18 Intended as a place where DEA and CIA agents could meet unobserved with informants and clients , as a message drop for CIA arms dealers supplying Iraq and the Afghan rebels , as a waiting room for DEA CIs and couriers from Lebanon , and as a transit point , not just for heroin , but for cash , documents and bootleg computer software moving to and fro along the Beirut — Nicosia — US pipeline , Eurame , as run by El-Jorr , was more like a low-life social club than a secret intelligence centre .
19 An oily mixture thrown from the back of a boat can draw hundreds of fulmars and petrels over kilometres of featureless ocean .
20 The £10 million development will create hundreds of jobs and boost Teesside as a tourist centre .
21 You 'll meet thousands of girls before you find the one you like . ’
22 A programme of growth would create thousands of jobs and avoid the rail redundancies looming because of pit closures .
23 You may find you can develop this into tits and finches you have been watching .
24 Do you think I should read this to members before I send it ? or do you think I should send it ?
25 But you ca n't have some with slip-ons and
26 Romania simply did not have billions of dollars for the Ceauşescus to purloin .
27 Did it arrive complete with stripes when its ancestors moved north ? ( right ) .
28 Even so , I was rather surprised that a family must pay 3.50 for adults and 2.50 for kids to visit and listen to the BBC 's exhibition of favourite old radio programmes at Broadcasting House .
29 Once formed , these fractures may remain open for months or years providing low stress paths where magma may intrude passively with little seismic or ground deformation ; only gravity changes can detect the mass increase .
30 The introduction of governments that tax goods and incomes in various ways is of course one of the major ‘ imperfections ’ , and economic theory is concerned to show what kinds of tax would interfere least with allocations that would arise in a free market .
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