Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Well I do n't think that with the Romanies there is a problem , because they 're
2 There are very large individual differences in this and it can affect each of the stages so far mentioned .
3 Pregnancy could affect each of the processes involved in gall stone formation .
4 Will he contrast that with the words of the Leader of the Opposition to the effect that Labour would sign up to a single currency now , irrevocably ?
5 Some would be quite funny I should think some of the comments we 're making !
6 We have a great deal of sympathy er but whereas I do n't think some of the ideas that have been floated tonight for a Cornwall and Gibraltar West seat er or erm any kind of link up between Cornwall and any tail end of a Welsh seat we do n't think is practical and I think he 's got ta solve this problem er within the confines of Cornwall being regarded as part of England if not Anglo Saxon .
7 But even this did n't dispel some of the confusions that I was feeling .
8 Chatterbox is full of activities that help children assimilate some of the patterns of English — and encourage them to think and communicate on the way !
9 Familiarisation of all health care workers with changes in policy and the background of research and development and aims of policy would eliminate some of the frustrations and create a more supportive environment for Health Care Workers who are involved in implementing new policies acknowledging the need for change to meet the new challenges .
10 Among other things it is hoped that this will eliminate some of the problems which Noah clearly believes led to their defeat by Switzerland — although his own choice of an outdoor clay court for the match against Jakob Hlasek and Marc Rosset , did not help either .
11 The restrictions embodied in the lexical graph will eliminate some of the paths through the phoneme graph .
12 But overhead lighting could help eliminate some of the dangers .
13 Taking on a new persona is in any case impossible but it is possible to adopt and adapt some of the methods of effective presentation which others employ .
14 Those who deal with firearms are generally aware of the attendant risks , and the days when those involved in motoring and other forms of transport could make light of the risks to life have now long passed , as various air , sea , rail , and road disasters have occurred .
15 Erm the views of the er of the subcommittee are that that this does appear to be er perhaps a practical solution er and at the moment , er we are looking to erm make some of the spaces , certainly in the Church Street car park erm short term , I E two hours , certainly so the people who are who are making shopping visits , or visits to the banks et cetera would get the lower car park and the the people who are staying for a longer time would be at the top .
16 Write briefly on how you would explain some of the tasks that have to be carried out :
17 These factors help explain some of the reasons why the total number of ACET clients covered at any one time by our on call service in London has more than doubled from 70 in April 1990 to over 150 by March 1991 ; and why the nature of the services required has become so much more sophisticated .
18 Whatever the mechanism employed , many creatures certainly can detect the Earth 's magnetic field , and a magnetic sense may even explain some of the mysteries of bird migration .
19 Furthermore , if secondary carnitine deficiency exists in patients with coeliac disease , it might explain some of the symptoms of this condition .
20 Right , now I 'll explain some of the facilities on the telephone system .
21 Sustainability 's recommendations for action have also come under scrutiny , since they do not cover some of the deficiencies identified in the report , including the low-level of recycled materials use , and the company 's preference for road , rather than rail , as means of product transport .
22 At this point I had better cover some of the regulations regarding the transport of live fish around the world .
23 Although concentrating on the Classical period , the tour will also cover some of the buildings of Christian Rome .
24 This definition was not carried forward into the later Acts , although both the Act of 1979 and the current Act did reproduce some of the provisions regarding depositors which were contained in the Act of 1963 .
25 You 're old enough to know by now that in the country where Great-Granny comes from they do n't eat some of the things we eat .
26 By the late 1980s , Action for Cities ( HMSO , 1988a ) , identified at least twelve separate interventions , although some of these were insignificant in resources terms and not all observers would regard some of the programmes as intrinsic to the inner cities .
27 Comforting her sons , she said : ‘ We always knew this could happen but how can I explain this to the boys ? ’
28 It will absorb some of the bills offered for sale by the discount houses , albeit at interest rates of its own choosing .
29 Eventually I asked him how he had become a Christian and why he had believed , and then asked him how he would answer some of the questions that his visit to a French university was bound to raise .
30 Under pressure to clear up the confusion surrounding the direction of its Distributed Management Environment , Open Software Foundation DME technology manager Kathryn De Nitto says the group will make a statement within two weeks which should answer some of the questions on many lips .
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