Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] its [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The development programme for the aircraft will provide the broad range of capabilities which was asked for by all four nations originally and er the fact that one or more nations may have deleted its requirement for a particular facility does n't remove the need for us to complete the development work er because we still have at least one or two customers for that facility .
2 Nothing that preceded it could have prepared its audience for a work of such comic brilliance , masterly characterization , and sheer breadth of conception .
3 This was said with a direct simplicity which normally would have had its appeal for Alice .
4 We must examine it to see what sense it can yield us in the case of those who , as it happens , are not men in the first place , and in what way , once this is done , it will have changed its meaning for those who , by no special fault or merit of their own , actually are so .
5 Even if you are one of the lucky few , blessed with a fine trouble-free skin , the use of essential oils along with the techniques outlined in this chapter will not only help to preserve its suppleness for as long as possible , but will improve your health in general .
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