Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] you on the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She did n't consider accompanying you on the search for her daughter ? ’
2 I did n't expect to see you on the moor at this time of night .
3 Now erm you will already know and I certainly would 've told you on the phone that er you are not responsible for setting the assignments up .
4 In the name of the International Lesbian and Gay Association ( IGLA ) , I would like to congratulate you on the positive stand that Amnesty International has taken at its recent International Council Meeting regarding people imprisoned solely for their homosexuality .
5 Lastly , I would like to congratulate you on the new look ( suck suck ) , and I especially like the PD pages .
6 I 'd also like to congratulate you on the exceptional photographs in the Stephen Hawking article which were both honest and deeply moving .
7 I would like to congratulate you on the production of WAM which I think is stylish , well presented and interesting in content , and encouraging in its attention to issues of class , colour , gender and international politics .
8 Well let , let , let , let me tell you , I do n't want to put you on the spot , the , the , the analogy is of er the typical pattern of development of a neurosis , which Freud says is a trauma that happens often in infancy .
9 And I would n't miss having you on the payroll for anything , Angel . ’
10 Might I have seen you on the Great White Way ? ’
11 Because one of the commitments I hope John er may have told you on the phone , one of the parts of the contract we have with G A is that they provide a list of businesses .
12 When er I I John I hope will have told you on the phone that you have no responsibility for setting the assignments .
13 Well I 'll tell you what I I you know seriously er with what Norman would have told you on the phone self employed commission only erm if you er I I 'm surprised you came to see us .
14 yeah , we should have to put you on the book
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