Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] to [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On the spur of the moment he said : ‘ I would like to talk to you first . ’
2 ‘ Then you should have come to me first .
3 ‘ Let's say that he should have come to me first , ’ George said in a heavy , measured tone , ‘ and let me sort the whole thing out .
4 I would have come to it all in due course , but it was good to be hastened .
5 She would have to listen to him first .
6 ‘ You do n't have to listen to her any more , Gittel-plus-nine , ’ comes the breathless word from below the windows .
7 Toomey also sees the decline in human terms : ‘ If you 'd have said to me 20 years ago that there would be no trading floor at the Stock Exchange , I would n't have believed it , ’ he says .
8 Carrie flashed Seb a shy smile that , had he been looking at her , would have conveyed to him all the love she was feeling .
9 So much detail was not available to her then but she would have agreed to it all and later she would be able to describe more of the room , the contents of the cabinets , even the names of the people represented in the photographs on top of the piano ; she did not know then that this was the first of many visits to this room .
10 What a pity you could n't have talked to me four years ago , instead of simply walking out . ’
11 I did n't wonder why she 'd taken to using a typewriter when her last messages to me were handwritten , and I did n't ask myself how Edouard could have talked to me all that time without mentioning there was an envelope for me . ’
12 Even if the Bookman had wanted to answer the questions , he could n't have replied to them all so quickly .
13 If only he could have spoken to her one last time before he 'd been taken down .
14 I should have spoken to you this afternoon about the stock footage you asked me to follow up on .
15 The mess in the kitchen was typical of neither of them , and should have announced to them both the distress of the other .
16 However , what I can do is try to present to you some of the points of view we tried to draw together in that group because we did have someone who is a proprietor of a private home ; we had people from health ; we had people from social work ; we had people from housing ; we had people from different interest groups who approached the issue in different ways .
17 ‘ Nothing can have happened to them this soon , ’ Joanna whispered , crossing herself .
18 I think I 'd talk to them first and if they 're agreeable then I 'd give you their name and telephone number but I 'd have to speak to them first but I would n't just give out the name and telephone number on an ad hoc basis .
19 Well , do n't come screaming to me next time one of the local hippies pinches a load of your acid off you .
20 ‘ Actually , I think the Colonel will want to speak to you first . ’
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