Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] on [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He said she could come with him if she did n't want to go on her own and she did n't know how to say no .
2 Or do you want to go on your own so you do n't have to get a sitter ?
3 And so she said oh I want to see that , d' ya mind if I come with you cos I do n't want to go on me own , so and then we arrived , mum arrived first and , I said you do n't mind Naomi coming do you ?
4 Do you want to comment on what five thousand less than your figure would do for affordable housing ?
5 He wo , he wo n't want to come on his own he
6 No investigation is needed for the pain in this condition but of course other symptoms may coexist and they will need managing on their own merits .
7 You 're fine but you 'll need to stay on your wee tablets I 'm afraid .
8 To convince the inspector , the board will need to rely on its other arguments , to which we now turn .
9 If you are too domineering in your handshake ( and this may be to overcompensate for nerves ) you will antagonize the interviewer who will subconsciously feel threatened on his/her own territory .
10 Furthermore , if authenticity is to be defined as natural language behaviour ( and it is hard to see how else it might be defined ) there is also the difficulty that learners will naturally incline to draw on their own language in any situation that calls for uncontrived linguistic communication .
11 But why did they choose to build on their own valuable market places instead of expanding outwards into suburbs ?
12 Who would you choose to have on your own team of specialists and experts ?
13 I should like to go on my own but I do see that the gig would be a little draughty at night in evening dress .
14 The reader may like to reflect on his/her own planning approach and assess its validity by comparing it with the following checklist of factors which facilitate effective planning .
15 I do n't mind going on me own but if anyone is going it 'd be good to meet up .
16 Later on , products mature and become more price-elastic , allowing production advantage to shift to lower-income countries that may later begin exporting on their own account .
17 Visitors to Thailand would do well to avoid the donkey rides , where a notice reads : ‘ Would you like to ride on your own ass ? ’
18 If the model should decide to rotate on its own accord due to something having broken , it will usually stay in one spot and rotate quite happily .
19 The House might decide to act on its own by appointing a committee to inquire into the matter or a private member might move resolutions or introduce his own measure .
20 Thus shared use of computer , library and training facilities can be organised regionally or nationwide to a level which individual firms could never hope to attain on their own .
21 You will have to conduct on your own the party of French officials who want to shoot muntjac .
22 Do you think Nicola could have stumbled on something big ? ’
23 She was delighted to see me , as it meant she would not have to go on her own , and she stood over me while , complaining bitterly , I changed into my jacket and returned with her to the revels .
24 Looks like I 'm gon na have to go on my own .
25 This time you 'll have to go on your own . ’
26 Well you 'll have to go on your own John
27 If you have problems or face difficult situations , do n't try to cope on your own .
28 Both parties to the contract may have their own terms , and each may wish to contract on its own terms .
29 I mean , this lot did come in , only six months ago , announcing that everyone would have to stand on their own feet and not be rescued , and face up to competition , and all that .
30 Tell him he 'll have to stand on his own two feet . ’
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