Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 People do not build resistance to tetanus with time or age .
2 Tesseract will port Primrose to Unix by year end using Sequent Computer Systems Inc and Pyramid Technology Corp multi-processors .
3 On the other hand , you do need guidelines to work to .
4 He may also fall prey to complacency in that , having added his bottle of Preparation W , he then fails to notice ailment Z which requires a quite different treatment .
5 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
6 ( a ) The Criminal Law Revision Committee 's Eighth Report , Theft and Related Offences , Cmnd 2977 , 1966 , 41 , on which the 1968 Act was based , envisaged that some fact situations would give rise to liability under both ss.1 and 15 .
7 Most of this legislation is of a ‘ regulatory ’ nature and does not give rise to liability in damages .
8 The latter form of interference may give rise to liability in nuisance .
9 However , firms already have to face uncertainty in the context of UCTA and the criteria used to assess whether a duty of care which would give rise to liability in tort is owed .
10 A general term can not give rise to zeugma in this way :
11 This can give rise to confusion since +1 is considered to be TRUE and NOT(+1) is -2 , which is also considered to be TRUE .
12 Since the legal rules about the control of water pollution are expressed through the discretion of field officers it is important to understand their working definitions of pollution in terms of the kinds of events , activities , or social settings which could give rise to action on their part , whatever its ultimate conclusion .
13 Although Bekenstein 's hypothesis that black holes have a finite entropy requires for its consistency that black holes should radiate thermally , at first it seems a complete miracle that the detailed quantum-mechanical calculations of particle creation should give rise to emission with a thermal spectrum .
14 The general sense of dog would of course give rise to anomaly in 26 , because of the rule of maximisation .
15 The principle that an equitable lease does not give rise to privity of estate has several important exceptions .
16 ( 7.3 ) unc Divergence in one operand of a PAR may give rise to divergence in the complete construct , since an implementation may choose to run one argument until it can proceed no further before running another .
17 Who will give priority to education for the Third Age ?
18 The report calls on boards to ‘ give precedence to substance over form' , in applying and interpreting the code , but it is doubtful whether companies realise that this could be the last chance for self-regulation .
19 Unlike the annual Environment White Papers , a sustainable development report need not give space to quality of life issues where there are no long term implications , such as local issues of litter , the nuisance from dogs , noise , etc .
20 This will give birth to humility in us , and humility will help us resist the temptation to play God to people .
21 I would not be so ungallant as to doubt the word of the hon. Member for West Bromwich , East today , but given the pressure that Labour Members placed on that Bill , a serious question mark would hang over any Labour Secretary of State who did not give way to pressure regarding the timetabling of a public inquiry procedure and who did not take some time to allow the result to be published or deliberated on .
22 Ted and I will never see eye to eye about his clients , whom he likes , respects and positively enjoys dragging over hills to bag stags , whereas I loathe these numbskulls who think killing is ‘ sport ’ .
23 But then those two do n't see eye to eye about anything these days .
24 ‘ Well , we do n't always see eye to eye about things .
25 He said he could not serve on that sub-committeee ( consisting of Brian Close , Bob Appleyard , Phil Sharpe , Bryan Stott , Tony Woodhouse ) ‘ when I do not see eye to eye with them on any subject ’ .
26 And if an objective moral standard is thrown over , what is to stop the majority in society — or even a minority in power — from putting away in a mental institution those who do not see eye to eye with them until they are " cured " ?
27 " I do n't always see eye to eye with my father for instance about the way things are done here . "
28 I do n't see eye to eye with Tod on all issues .
29 Fernand was employed by the previous owner and does not always see eye to eye with Alain on the way the estate should be managed , but no … ’
30 ‘ You ca n't pretend he 's normal and it 's no secret that he did n't see eye to eye with Alain . ’
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