Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [adv prt] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Why would they need to dump out in this God-forsaken place ?
2 I says I dare n't fancy going out in this I went upstairs and er , it 's always the same in n it ?
3 If Mr McCrickard gets it right , the benefits of cost savings will begin to come through in 1991 .
4 But I would like to point out in this video , and on the brochure that goes with it , actually says the rest of the field are there to follow on horseback or on foot or by car , very few people indeed actually witness the death of a fox .
5 I would like to wake up in half an hour and see people passing by in the street .
6 Alpha as a transaction processing engine would begin to take off in 1994 , he predicted , by which time 5,000 applications would be ready .
7 PRESIDENT Fidel Castro has said he would like to step down in five years if Cuba 's faltering economy improves .
8 So the delicate gilded furniture and the rococo mirrors had gone from his office ; and in their place were desks and chairs that renaissance princes might have sat on in perfect safety , even if they had weighed three hundredweight .
9 Now , part of that might just have purely the ritual that 's associated with things like coronations and investitures , but surely if people had felt so strongly about it they would n't have turned out in such numbers , er to support her .
10 If I do that that 's five hours I 'll have built up in one week .
11 Beneath the overwhelming memories of physical delight there were fears — a fear that she might not have measured up in some way .
12 it probably would have sold out in nineteen eighty eight
13 We might have rode along in that coach the whole night while I just stood there in front of the office .
14 Mitterrand , a staunch defender of French culture , may be a reluctant participant at the event , although his original objections must have melted back in 1987 when the American company said that with this , the fourth of its parks ( there are two in the United States and one outside Tokyo ) , it would create 12,000 jobs …
15 We may have slipped back in some fields , but in others ( such as molecular biology or pharmaceutical research ) we remain world leaders .
16 You do n't have to hang out in some dump like St Anton or Gstaad , surrounded by barking yuppies on the verge of bankruptcy , or priapic , fat-arsed Essex burglars in fluorescent clothes .
17 The planned launch of the German Atmos satellite — which should have gone up in 1995 — may be cancelled due to a funding shortfall of around £300-400 million .
18 It 's only later on , when you look back at something you 've done , that you see it was really a milestone and you could have gone off in some quite different direction .
19 Well sh , does n't necessarily have to end up in general practice does she ?
20 I 'll engage to pull down in three hours what you 'll be building up in as many years , in spite of all the lessons you can teach her .
21 So ask yourself the following questions beforehand : • How long are you likely to be out for ? • How many bottles and nappies does your baby manage to get through in that time ? • Is there going to be somewhere you can change him ( even the car ) and/or breastfeed him comfortably , or warm a bottle if necessary ? • Is it likely to rain ( you 'll need a wet-weather cover ) , be very hot ( sun cream and a hat ) , or cold ( extra layers , hat and gloves ) ?
22 Mm , like , her dad says to her why do n't you be a doctor and she , but she do n't want to , you know , she wants to be in a hospital and that , she do n't want to end up in general practice
23 like , she do n't want to end up in general practice .
24 ‘ If a department has an internal review it can get bogged down in internal considerations .
25 Let , let us leave it till then because I mean otherwise we 're gon na get bogged down in this and whe when we really are briefing procedures .
26 Well he does get killed off in that does n't he .
27 But it is at present bidding on a lot of new contracts and chief executive Ken Miller believes defence profits could start to turn up in 1993 .
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