Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 Now do you want to provide them with any parking facilities off parking ?
2 They do n't want to know you at any other time … but most of them are n't like that here .
3 Basically , can people see it , because I do n't need to use it to any great extent ,
4 Now I do n't want to embarrass them in any way .
5 But roasting them , I would n't like to get them with any sort of burnt taste .
6 Please do keep telling us of any complaints or suggestions you have either about the Journal or about the way the Society is being run .
7 ‘ No , I do n't want to put you to any bother . ’
8 ‘ You 've been so kind to me that I do n't want to put you to any trouble . ’
9 ‘ I do n't want to put you to any trouble . ’
10 ‘ I would n't want to put you to any more trouble .
11 I would n't want to put you to any trouble . ’
12 He did not stop to warn them of any of the unseen hazards he was first to discover .
13 Her stepfather , who had been there since he left home , drinking coffee and mineral water and reading the papers , turned his chair slightly , so that she would not be able to see his face , supposing that one adult male back would look much like another to those of Camille 's generation : his wife , he thought , would have recognized him from any angle .
14 If she could have wiped his memory as well as her own , she 'd have done it without any hesitation , and at whatever cost .
15 How happy it would have made her at any other time .
16 In a way , the most important word in the whole of that speech is probably ‘ nature ’ — ‘ I feel the link of nature draw me ’ because here now Adam is using the word nature as , I suppose , he would not have used it at any earlier point in the poem .
17 ‘ Why would you have told me in any case ?
18 Do not attempt to organise them in any type of pattern other than under the major heading of asset or liability .
19 Did they try to victimize you in any other way ?
20 He 'd have bought it at any cost . ’
21 Oh no he would n't have had me in any case .
22 I would n't wish to put you to any trouble . ’
23 I may have sent it quicker over the goal line with this touch , but I think it would have reached it in any case . ’
24 Do not try to form them into any sort of order ; merely pick them out and write them down .
25 Once you have completed your design , you must ensure that you cover it with a sheet of glass should you have to leave it at any time .
26 I 've been cooped up with my work , but I 'm sure my security staff would have notified me of any unexpected guests . ’
27 This meant that loyalty forbade her to tell Philip — who would n't have believed her in any case .
28 When she then kills the prey , it is impossible to prove that she does so to demonstrate the act of killing , because she would have killed it in any case , in order to eat it .
29 You do n't have to , it does n't have to be mined , we do n't have to import it from any Arabs , it 's ours , we own it and it gives us that amount of energy but only if we develop the fast er reactors .
30 Do n't forget to advise them of any change in your financial affairs .
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