Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pron] way [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It might well prove to be all they could do to find their way across the heather to some quiet field or copse-bank like those they had been used to .
2 France does not expect to get its way on every one of these conditions .
3 We would begin to thread our way up the railway 's magical valley with sonorous rumbling as we negotiated bridge after bridge over the River Onny .
4 She may start to release her emotions fully during or after the service , or she may go through all the ritual connected with it in a daze , but sooner or later it can be expected that the flood-gates of her grief will open and she will then begin to work her way through the multiplicity of problems that lie ahead of her .
5 All types of bacteria and fungus which occur naturally in the water , without damaging your fish , will begin to find their way past their defences .
6 She did not even look to pick her way round thistles in the long grass .
7 You might like to count your way through out loud , some people like to sing and , if you do have a full-length mirror you can exercise in front of , then watch yourself .
8 Secondly , pathways do not have to weave their way in and out of a single tree .
9 Because there was no sign that Marian and Allen had regained the highway ahead of them the verderers agreed that there were three possibilities : the first , that the children would lie hidden for some time in dense woodland until it was safe for them to return to the ride ; the second , that they would try to work their way around the Swamp to the north but that since they would be away from paths this would be difficult and slow ; and the third , that they might try to reach the outlaws ' camp by passing the Swamp to the south .
10 Had the heart belonged to one of her patients , he would n't have pangaed his way through many more jungles .
11 There were other advantages , too , in that the proposed arrangements would give a clear focus for informal carers and relatives ; such carers would no longer have to find their way through a maze of local services .
12 Murray 's apparently effortless escape has caused fury in Australia where there have been claims he must have bribed his way to a low security catagorization
13 Not only will you feel a sense of achievement but you will have re-educated your way of eating and the way you think about yourself .
14 Publishers and booksellers will have to pick their way through a landscape made strange and problematic by change .
15 Publishers and booksellers will have to pick their way through a landscape made strange and problematic by change .
16 With victory over the Racers , Cleveland Bombers would have made their way to the final ahead of the Scottish team .
17 ‘ She must have made her way to the East End to get to a phone box , ’ came the voice of Control .
18 The book is highly priced despite Bass 's sponsorship ( cash which must have made its way into the pockets of publisher and author ) .
19 Bird lime and other dirt obliterated the dusky light that might have made its way through this inadequate fanlight .
20 ‘ She must have wormed her way into Topaz 's confidence , maybe gave her a new recipe for ginger biscuits or something , who knows ? ’
21 Roosevelt might nevertheless have got his way in 1943 , had it not been for developments inside France .
22 The experiment thus suggests that while alpha males can trade on their superior competitive ability to obtain mates , subordinates may have to wheedle their way into favour .
23 Earth is highly dependent on off-planet reactors for its energy — if she 's to survive , he 'll have to blast his way to each of the eight planets in turn , land his craft and fight his way to the reactor .
24 It cost me a deal in time and labour and money to get my castle back from them , and if we had not had such a pious garrison — all but the lame and bedridden in church ! — they would never have prised their way into the place .
25 You do n't have to fight your way into a plastic-wrapped leg of hairy chicken , while you 're hurtled through space at the mercy of some suburban pilot with piles who thinks only of his duty frees and having it off with the stewardess .
26 She was thankful for the moonlight for , without it , she knew she would never have found her way to the cab rank .
27 More of his scholarship should have found its way into print , but persistent illness , latterly reinforced by family tragedy , cruelly intervened and compelled his early retirement .
28 Let us not delude ourselves that an equivalent would not have found its way into English if needed .
29 Nathan Holland on the other hand was a faithful friend , and but for him Paul 's last work might never have found its way into print .
30 Another mishap , this time from his younger days , might have found its way into Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em .
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