Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pron] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want to encourage anybody to take on such a formidable task , just to say that I 'm glad I followed my heart and not my head for once .
2 The guys will want to know what to do with him . ’
3 I mean , a hundred and fifty a week — that 's as much as I 'd 've expected you to get for actually acting . ’
4 You may also need to help her to transfer to the list of your own general practitioner , if she and he are both agreeable to this ; and of course she must be assured that you , or some other member of the family will be with her on the actual day of the move or , if she wishes , take the responsibility of it off her shoulders completely .
5 So th to a , you know , and as said , you know we erm we do n't need to bribe anybody to come into Morecambe .
6 Move one of the program group boxes off the edge of the screen and scroll bars will appear allowing you to scroll through the full area of the desktop .
7 Donor Card I would like to help someone to live after my death Let your relatives know your wishes and keep this card with you at all times
8 I want to do English as a subject at a polytechnic and would like to do something to do with Ancient Greek culture as well .
9 ‘ I would like to do something to help like bringing her home but I know she is in the best place . ’
10 The original engine I have kept as a spare and would like to convert it to run on unleaded petrol , could you please inform me where to get drawings or information on conversion .
11 An abundance of sunbeds around the most spectacular pool you 'll ever see beckon you to unwind with the gentle lapping of the sea as background music .
12 I would like to invite you to apply for a very different and distinctive credit card .
13 Thank you Chairman erm I would like I know that you 've been listening to the first er part of our session this afternoon , erm and I 'd like to ask you to discuss with us one of the questions that we asked the group the Pension Fund erm and that 's to discuss the balance of power that exists between the employer and the various groups and classes of pensioner .
14 I , of course , would like to tell him to go to hell and keep his job , but I ca n't afford such proud gestures .
15 You may want to use it to chop through modest-sized tree and bush roots so an effective , labour-saving cutting edge is a must .
16 When this was unsuccessful it would look around the cage where there was a long stick and suddenly it would decide to use it to rake in the fruit .
17 In an attempt to " depoliticize " the role of the police , de Klerk on Jan. 17 , 1990 , told 500 police in Pretoria that the government would " stop asking you to fight in the front trenches in political battles " , and said that henceforth police would " not be required to prevent people from marching to gain support for their views " ; instead police should concentrate on combating crime .
18 September 10th was the Saturday following Heather 's visit to Oxford and thus just when Harry would have expected her to proceed to the Skein of Geese .
19 Given the nature of the business , nobody would have expected her to get in touch .
20 By now you 'll have decided what to eat on Christmas and Boxing Day .
21 Perhaps I should have told her to concentrate on school . ’
22 Political honours are either an almost contemptuous gesture towards those who have kept silent when their consciences might have told them to vote against a government bill , or a reward for money or advice .
23 If it had been any priest other than Father Devlin he would have told him to go to hell and mind his own business .
24 I should have told him to go to hell .
25 You could have told him to wait until tomorrow , ’ she protested .
26 The tutorial bodies will have to gear themselves to cater for two sets of examinations at different times .
27 If not , you may have to steel yourself to deal with surprise and indignation from her .
28 It should have calmed her , gazing down at the burbling river , should have helped her to think about the problem uppermost in her mind ; but it was impossible to concentrate , knowing that he was close by .
29 In other words , even a simple , static analysis of the Roman state in its relation to its allies would have helped us to formulate in more reasonable terms the modern , un-Polybian , problem of Roman imperialism .
30 We must try to help ourselves to come to terms with the changes in farming , but if the present position persists , farmers in rural areas will not be seen to be working in line with the avowed aim of my right hon. Friend the Minister of a good environmental policy mixed with good farming .
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