Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [pron] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She did not want to find herself alone in that Headmaster 's Study , where she would have to begin to think .
2 As we pottered around I mused ; is it not weird that we island-bred British , only recently the greatest maritime nation in the world , have barely a handful of water-borne aircraft , and wherever these few appear certain English observers of this seriously endangered species can not wait to render it extinct by outlawing it — or at least putting every conceivable obstacle , actual or procedural , in its way ?
3 ‘ You 're going to have to bloody jump to get yourself clear of this one . ’
4 ‘ So you 'll need to make yourself scarce for a time , wo n't you ? ’
5 Second , it may need to make itself distinct from other species with which it shares its living space .
6 Those constructing future policies and principles should strive to make them exemplary in this regard , not least because of the encouragement this will give to schools to be rigorous in their own thinking .
7 The Thatcher administration was still new to the power it was to hold for the rest of the decade and a reader might reasonably expect to find something seminal in the report .
8 Where this is the case , their members will not be affected and can not expect to receive anything extra as a result of LPI .
9 That would appear to make it worthwhile for science to be a little more lenient with the serious UFO researchers and their data .
10 Tomorrow , when I have to tell them how close the Whistler is getting , I may not like to leave them alone after dark .
11 Perhaps you would like to do something similar with mine — but just as you prefer .
12 That at least was something , something I could cling to , something I could use to keep you close to me .
13 ‘ I should like to bury something precious in every place where I 've been happy , ’ Sebastian had once told him , after wine and strawberries on a summer hilltop , ‘ and then , when I was old and ugly and miserable , I could come back and dig it up and remember . ’
14 He obviously did n't plan to make it easy for her .
15 Mr Bush is keen to make the renewal of MFN unconditional ; Congress would like to make it conditional on China improving its human-rights record .
16 I should like to make it clear to the House that I accept full responsibility for the actions taken in this case by officials of the Home Office and by my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary , who dealt with it .
17 I should like to make it clear from the outset that I am participating in this conference not as an expert on any aspect of the teaching of languages , but rather as someone whose primary concern is with the structure of language and , more generally , the nature of cognitive processes .
18 ‘ If I had my time again , I 'd never want to do anything different from that . ’
19 Many persons will have their own particular reasons for gratitude to him , and everyone will so warmly want to wish him well for the new place in life which awaits him back in his own native diocese of Liverpool .
20 He had already noted in her favour that she did not avoid looking him full in the face as many did ; nor did she flinch or stare when she did .
21 But if she 'd wanted to she could easily have told him something that would have stopped him dead in his tracks .
22 It is difficult to tell how much of Dustin 's discomfiture during the making of the film seeped through into his portrayal , but it might have added something uneasy to the character of Benjamin .
23 Well he 'd have to process his direct like the two for one voucher or something like that
24 If they can become less blamed , they will then have resolved something important for themselves .
25 A business that you may never have considered yourself involved in ; publishing .
26 But no , I suppose he would have considered it disloyal to the old man .
27 I 'll have to find something nice for a wedding present . ’
28 He must have done something useful in about 3 matches .
29 They could never have done anything wide-scale without us knowing — and a Resistance movement has to be wide-scale to be any use .
30 For all he knew , Lee could have done anything stupid with them .
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