Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 Do not immediately put him on the lead , for this will reinforce the idea that when he comes back to you , he is immediately going to be taken home and , in future , will associate coming to you with the end of the walk or game .
2 There are already plenty of pointers and anomalies , and I 'd like to go through them with you to try to sift out the red herrings and give due precedence to the important facts .
3 Virginia had crept up to her several times trying to be friendly , but each time the house repelled her advances , do n't you dare to come near me with those nasty creepy little fingers she smiled , preventing the new young tendrils finding a hold on her walls .
4 He says do n't you dare come near me with that silly spray .
5 We 'd like to hear from you with the results of how you got on and how this book may have helped you decide what you want to do .
6 If ‘ that bloody woman ’ had heard him utter such a curse , she would have ripped into him with a piece of her mind , then he would have whipped her with his tongue , then this sop of a man before him would have got between them , and afore you knew it , there would be a full-scale war waging — and in the heat of the moment he might foolishly betray his devious plans to boot the lot of them out of his house and out of his life .
7 So first thing every morning , the shrew trots round the course , clearing away any twigs or leaves that might have fallen across it with side-swipes of its delicate fore-legs .
8 ‘ If I 'd gone first , the house would have come to you with ten thousand and the rest would have gone for research into glandular diseases . ’
9 You would not have gone to them with a theory of the death of Jesus — you would have gone to them with great wonder saying : ‘ It is incredible , but our Lord is alive .
10 You would not have gone to them with a theory of the death of Jesus — you would have gone to them with great wonder saying : ‘ It is incredible , but our Lord is alive .
11 The key to the success of such releases , though , is always that you do not have to pay for them with significant amounts of guilt or regret the next morning .
12 Austen had certainly emerged as leader , for nobody could have stood against him with any prospect of success , and it was appropriate that his succession should be marked by Pretyman , who was a respected backbencher of long service and represented the inarticulate centre of the party .
13 You would not care to talk about it with Matey — if you do not feel you could confide in me ? ’
14 If we just look at that system and the hierarchy of documentation that forms the system , hopefully things will start to gel with you with regard to the management procedures .
15 The only person she could imagine lying in it with her was Guido .
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