Example sentences of "[to-vb] things [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All burglars know that ninety-eight per cent of all housewives decide to hide things in the tea caddy . ’
2 He did n't really strike her as a particularly nosy person , just wanting to know things for the hell of it .
3 Far better to draw them into the school to nip things in the bud than leave them to ferment discontent .
4 She was not quite tall enough to reach things around the kitchen , but she kept a small box in the outhouse which she brought in and stood on in order to get whatever she wanted .
5 If they have been able to discuss things with the person who is dying , if there has been a time of preparation , then the shock of facing the loss caused by death is perhaps not so great .
6 ‘ I want to discuss things with the owner , and it will probably be a week or so before I make up my mind .
7 She was tirelessly willing to discuss things in the manner of the country ; to sit down with a landlord , for example , and answer such questions as whether England was smaller than London , and which of the two belonged to France , and how much larger the Turkish navy was than those of England , France and Russia put together .
8 ( There is some plausibility in this suggestion , because infants and certain animals appear able to perceive things like the presence or absence of voicing . )
9 You ought to be strong enough by then to cope with the journey , and I can try to organise things at the hospital so that my assistants can cope . ’
10 ‘ Nicola said he was the man sent over to organise things for the Mafia .
11 The parent should listen quietly to this opinion , preferably with an open mind , trying to see things from the youngster 's point of view and should restate what she or he understands to be the youngster 's argument , so as to be sure of there being no misunderstanding .
12 This helps to develop empathy — the ability to see things from the other 's point of view in addition to one 's own .
13 I thinks the manufacturing experience I had was very important , because it enabled me to see things from the manufacturer 's point of view , which many retailers have n't done .
14 ‘ He 's coming here tomorrow to arrange things with the rector , ’ said Phil .
15 And you had to sign a chit to use things like the height gauge , the big micrometers , calipers .
16 What they would say is that we have to , perhaps we do have to leave things to the individual , but we should leave as little possible to individuals , as little as practically possible so that we should the people involved in making all the important decisions , particularly the carrying out of them that we have to leave to particular appointed individuals .
17 But Flynn is not pushing Harper for a decision and is happy to leave things in the air for a fortnight or so .
18 A political decision is real enough but it is designed to leave things in the end exactly as they were in the beginning .
19 [ These would ] enable us to do things for the alliance which they ca n't do .
20 And it 's , I 'm going to do things for the house like I want to make erm Chris has put back the rail over my windowsill .
21 ‘ Norlite is terribly sorry and knows it has to do things to the letter in future . ’
22 We teachers need actually to say to the children that they are going to enjoy the work that day , that it will be interesting , and that they are going to know or be able to do things at the end of the day that they did n't know or were n't able to do before .
23 However , I prefer to do things about the house out of the goodness of my heart rather than on request and consider making a little tut noise with the tip of my tongue behind my top teeth .
24 We had to do things off the board .
25 It 's the ones that come along and just have to do things in the middle of the garden .
26 It is undeniable that animals intend to do things in the sense that it is often true of them that unless interfered with they will go on voluntarily to perform various actions .
27 We 've got to do things in the morning .
28 She tries to get me to do things around the house , like changing light bulbs and things like that .
29 Executives will continue to run things in the world of computer culture , because they are schooled in dealing with complexity .
30 ‘ Someone on the Coptic side wants to keep things on the boil , wants to stop agreement from being reached .
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