Example sentences of "[to-vb] off in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However it was , the one he had aimed at did not get out of the way in time and a last-minute attempt to slink off in the wind failed .
2 It would have been easier to set off in the daylight but it was n't possible .
3 What Ken , as technically-minded as ever , did n't notice was that all the clocks had been set to go off in the middle of the night — which , needless to say , they all did .
4 Well often I might see somebody waving out by the gate frantically trying to get in where he 's put one of his different size padlocks round the gate , the back gate and the front gate , and often if we need to feed the cat he 's padlocked all the different padlocks round the kitchen cupboards erm we 've been unable to get the cat food out , so we 've had to go off in the car and bring him back from a friend because he 's the only one who knows which key goes with which padlock to undo all the cupboards .
5 ’ You could hardly expect Portia Forbes to start off in the typing pool . ’
6 I can literally push the bird out of the tree into a net or a box so I can take it home , because it ca n't see to fly off in the dark .
7 Are you going to finish off in the kid 's room ?
8 Women 's increasing commitment to the labour market does not appear to pay off in the way that would be expected if people were actually rewarded according to their ability and effort .
9 And if I had to play them today , I 'd have to get off in a room with a record player , probably for a couple of hours and learn them . ’
10 Subsequently the council 's own officers told the inquiry that a pedestrian had been killed on Hollyhurst Road because he could n't find a safe place to cross , that ambulances struggle to get down Hollyhurst Road in emergencies , that residents cars are blocked in their drives and that buses have to drop off in the middle of the road .
11 ‘ The notion of tragedy did n't enter my head , ’ she protested , ‘ but it did seem odd for her to break off in the middle of a phone call like that . ’
12 We ca n't organise the tour to stop off in a hotel every night yet . ’
13 ‘ In the meantime , as I told you , I have an errand to do , then I plan to stop off in the village and have a bite to eat .
14 There are signs that latent defects insurance , such as that recommended in the BUILD report , is beginning to take off in the insurance market .
15 The trend looks set to take off in the UK , although different in some ways from the American experience .
16 Getting their own to take off in the market place is another matter .
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