Example sentences of "[to-vb] away the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She was standing at the gas-stove , turning a plucked chicken over the flames to singe away the tiny feathers left behind in the skin .
2 On May 7th , German troops massing at Thiaumont for an attack were suddenly blanketed by accurate air-directed artillery fire , and noted bitterly that , virtually for the first time , their fighters were unable to drive away the French observation planes .
3 Only that was n't much consolation at the moment , she admitted , as she began to walk up and down , flapping her arms to drive away the permeating cold .
4 And so they had met ( it had been so easy , as it happened , for him to sneak away the previous afternoon ) nervously and excitedly outside the main entrance to the University Parks at 2.30 p.m .
5 At once , the waiters began to reorganise the tables so that as many as possible could sit under the parasols and to hurry away the unused cushions and linen so as not to let them be soaked .
6 If Protestant zealots were only partially successful in their attempt to sweep away the supernatural aura which had surrounded late medieval religion , their efforts to give the common people some grounding in knowledge of the gospels ‘ and a basic understanding of the Reformed theology of grace and salvation also met with only limited success .
7 But remove them carefully with tissues , and use a non-alcoholic gentle freshener on cotton wool as a ‘ rinse ’ to wipe away the last traces .
8 Surprise fought for supremacy over sheer relief , the final result hardly strong enough to chase away the last vestiges of fear .
9 Wheeler motioned him to an easy chair and made to put away the handsome leatherbound notebook in which he had been writing .
10 Though Clyde Vaughan ( 24 points ) , Scott Wilke ( 23 ) and Russ Saunders ( 20 ) were all firing , they struggled to put away the weakened Riders , 89-88 .
11 Britain and Europe must seize the opportunity that Gorbachev has helped to create , to negotiate away the military blocs of Nato and Warsaw Pact , get rid of nuclear weapons and cut the arms budget .
12 To chuck away the big time for a day out at Wembley would be a shame .
13 The biggest task of the Leftist Unity party will be to lure away the working class from the Socialists .
14 The bicentenary year is an opportunity and a challenge , as well as a danger : an opportunity to take stock and to hear and see Mozart at his best , a challenge to clear away the sentimental cobwebs and let Mozart speak , but a danger that the world will be engulfed in mass-marketed whimsy .
15 It seduces me to kiss away the harsh words from your lips , to feel your mouth soften and tremble beneath mine . ’
16 And that proved a costly mistake as super dad Polston pounced to prise away the three points and send the Canaries of Norwich flying high after again ruffling the feathers of their championship detractors .
17 It took Robyn ages to peel away the sodden material from her frigid skin .
18 ‘ We wo n't be in a hurry to get away the next time , will we ?
19 But she had an idea , from Cara 's remark about sending a card home , that her sister fully expected her to stay away the whole fortnight as planned .
20 In the attic room she lay on the narrow straw mattress listening to Sally 's snores , watching stars brighten in the charcoal sky and struggling to push away the growing sense of responsibility .
21 It seems that it was a hasty decision to take away the armoured car , which had become inseparable from the city 's history .
22 Why did she want to take away the one possession that was truly valuable to him ?
23 There can be no justification for the comments we have heard from certain leaders of right wing er trade unions , who wish to take away the very principle of what we 're talking about , the block vote , especially one , when one of 'em , allegedly , who have n't even bothered to pay their contributions to the General Election Fund .
24 At the same time , the bladder becomes less able to sterilise urine and the urine is less concentrated , so more fluids are needed to take away the same amount of waste ( see incontinence , pages 70 to 76 ) .
25 His attack is therefore two-pronged : to argue that there are far fewer genuine universals than had been thought , and to explain away the remaining ones in ways more plausible than Chomsky 's .
26 There are a number of fallacies which are frequently promulgated in order to explain away the low standard of living of the farm worker and which require a brisk dismissal at the outset .
27 But it is presumably these later criticisms , made long after his emancipation from Wagner , that inspired Elisabeth to explain away the Wagnerian connection as merely secondary ; while her claims about her brother 's real intention to produce a " large " book about Greece ( and nothing but Greece ) would seem to be prompted by a desire to enhance his scholarly image ; for no other kind of book ( she decided ) would have satisfied his " scholar 's conscience . "
28 It does not seem possible to explain away the legal rights and duties of a body as being merely the rights and duties of the individuals composing it ; and
29 The world 's Jeanne Dixons have , for example , to explain away the numerous warnings about contacting the dead ( Leviticus 19:31 : 20:6,7 & 27 , ; Deuteronomy 18:10,11 ; 1 Samuel 28:7,8 ; 2 Kings 23:24 and others ) .
30 Whatever one 's interpretation of these events , however , attempts to explain away the chronological oddity of the attack on Hastings should not be allowed to obscure the fact that in practice it did not stop Richard taking control of the duke of York .
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