Example sentences of "[to-vb] too [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He also seems to this reviewer to accept too readily the authenticity of certain pieces ( most notably no. 27 , Imitator of Desiderio da Settignano , Virgin and Child ) , and a maddening feature is his habit of quoting inventory numbers rather than published sources for comparable pieces in other museums , which gives the impression that these comparanda have not been published .
2 The first is whether we tend to accept too readily the veracity and accuracy of media reports .
3 As Pip cared not to question too closely the sources of his own endowment .
4 When I come to paint , I like to look at the drawing ; then I put it away and do n't look at it again , because I do n't want even the drawing to influence too much the progress of the painting .
5 Yet care must be taken not to dismiss too readily the value of cavalry as an arm — or worse , as a relic — of the past .
6 Even if we do not want to take too seriously the feuds between Cato and Quinctius Flamininus ( Plut .
7 He was so much a part of her that she never needed nor wanted to examine too closely the nature of her feeling for him .
8 Nevertheless , it is dangerous and indeed impossible to push too far the analogies between the heads of the two outer demoiselles and various particular kinds of tribal art .
9 Someone who is giving up their former marital home because of divorce or bereavement will probably be anxious not to sacrifice too greatly the lifestyle they enjoyed before .
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