Example sentences of "[to-vb] here [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Was there a lot of people who came to work here in the fishing town .
2 " Heinrich has to stand here on the deck while you drone on , said Tilda .
3 A much easier alternative is to come here on a summer bank holiday weekend , join the queue and be winched down in a bosun 's chair courtesy of various caving clubs .
4 ‘ I used to come here as a kid with my parents . ’
5 You may think it is a rum thing that a chap like Tim should pay an arm and a leg to come here for a year and then teach us a thing or two but then I am perfectly happy to admit that we do n't know everything .
6 ‘ There must have been a reason to come here for a day . ’
7 ‘ I bet you never thought you 'd end up as a social accessory whenever you agreed to come here for a holiday !
8 ‘ The reason I chose to come here for a job was because I thought I had relations here .
9 The inspector said I 'm not going to allow you to leave here with a prisoner and those two cases .
10 I do n't expect them to leave here with a catalogue of stories about what a terrible place Whitely is .
11 I have little to report here for the station is closed .
12 Alternatively , you can allow the dog out into the garden , encouraging it to perform here by the use of the words ‘ clean dog ’ or whatever phrase you decide to choose to demand such activity .
13 ‘ For good reasons which you may or may not understand , I desire to remain here in the wilderness away from those to whom I may inadvertently bring catastrophe .
14 That only leaves the one at the far end , which belongs to a couple who plan to retire here in the spring .
15 ‘ If you can bear to wait here for a couple of minutes , I 'll go and see . ’
16 The Dana andrew had told me to wait here for the girl Trefusis had sent indream after me .
17 On the British Army 's most wanted list for the last five years and you still have the nerve to sit here in the middle of Belfast . ’
18 First thing is to make sure that you get an opportunity to discuss it and I agree other people who actually res responded in seem to collect the fee and I am not paid to collect the fee to try to make it very difficult for people to respond but nevertheless the numbers that we , I think in terms of other areas , other areas , the response that we got it is a bit ironic though to sit here in the afternoon having listened in the morning to a lovely discussion which was agonising three hundred , five hundred thousand for on traffic calming .
19 ‘ For Your Freedom and Ours ; Poland , Scotland and the Second World War ’ looks at how the men of the 1st Polish Army corps adapted to their new surroundings and , in many cases , decided to settle here for the rest of their lives .
20 Yeah cos she used to teach here in the school
21 She refused outright to live here at the château .
22 ‘ Cameron ’ Clare continues , ‘ is content to lurk here on the sidelines radiating self-righteous socialist disapproval and imag-ining how after the revolution we 'll all have to pull ploughs , eat raw turnips and take part in interminable self-criticism sessions long into the candle-lit night on the collective farm , are n't you , Cameron ? ’
23 A strong young fellow like you does n't take thirty-five minutes to get here from the Kingsbrook bridge . ’
24 Only a fool would try to get here in a dinghy .
25 I 'd like to stay here on the floor but there 's cars beeping at me and I think I 'm lying in the road , so I push myself up and sort of crawl to the pavement .
26 He knew that he had somehow to stay here on the headland , to keep always in view that monstrous building which dominated his imagination as it did his view .
27 ‘ A call I should like , ’ said Dorothy , with some emphasis , ‘ but Ray seems to be inviting himself and Kathleen to stay here for a night or two . ’
28 ‘ Would n't you like to go and get the children and come to stay here for a night or two ? ’ he said .
29 It seemed she 'd have to stay here for a while .
30 ‘ He is going to stay here for a while . ’
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