Example sentences of "[to-vb] again about [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 CHANCELLOR Kenneth Clarke today warned trade unions to think again about a strategy of industrial action against the Government 's squeeze on public sector pay .
2 Pressure from parents has forced a hospital to think again about the way it treats some young patients .
3 Could my right hon. Friend find time today to think again about the significance of an historic referendum which took place in the Ukraine on 1 December , in which the people of Ukraine freely and democratically voted for their sovereignty and independence ?
4 But Walter Merricks , assistant secretary general at the Law Society , said : ‘ We have urged the Government to think again about the framework .
5 ‘ I will be calling upon the minister at the Housing Consultative Council to think again about the Government 's policy of reducing housing benefits and increasing council house rents , ’ he said .
6 Insofar as the criminal law reflects and generates a common positive morality , criminal law invites the legal theorist to reconsider the established types of legal theory and to think again about the nature of law .
7 The falling numbers of applicants to study medicine may force schools to think again about the courses they provide .
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