Example sentences of "[to-vb] between [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The people would be given the opportunity to choose between a single-party or multiparty system , he added , although he argued in favour of the former : " Creating national unity is a fundamental task for our people .
2 You will be able to choose between a single or a double oven , with an eye-level grill or a grill at waist level , often set into a small top oven .
3 Borgman ( 1982 ) in a later article added that the older child ‘ who keeps in touch does not experience the guilt of having to choose between the adoptive and biological parents ’ ( p. 218 ) .
4 For everyday guitar sounds like chorus , reverb and delay I found there was little to choose between the ME-6 and ME-10 , until it came to modifying them .
5 I am writing to reply to your correspondent H Wilson ( Letters , 10 April ) who attacks my advocacy of tactical voting published in your issue of 3 April , and my contention that there was little to choose between the Labour and Liberal Democrat manifestos .
6 Optically , there was little to choose between the Sharp and the GBI machines in terms of image clarity and definition .
7 If the public were schooled to discriminate between the germane and the irrelevant , the authentic and the phoney , and the reality and the appearance , nine-tenths at least of the advertising industry would be out of work .
8 Hardcore porn is openly traded in the cities and exhibited in cinemas and video shops across the country , despite experimental zoning restrictions in certain areas , yet there has been little or no attempt in the courts or the legislatures to discriminate between the greater and lesser dangers it represents .
9 By discussing children 's work and looking at it together I hope to help you to learn to discriminate between the good and the precocious .
10 Throughout the 1920s and 1930s her moderate and conciliatory personality worked to mediate between the revolutionary and the gradualist wings of the Women 's International League ( founded under Jane Addams at The Hague in 1915 ) as she served on its international executive .
11 Variations can also be expected to exist between the more and the less accessible rural areas , but few published data exist that allow this to be illustrated .
12 No natural boundary appears to exist between the natural and social sciences .
13 It allows you to alternate between a high and low route and it 's easy to extend the walk or take short cuts .
14 She reformed the religious life of her time for both men and women , teaching them to distinguish between a good and an unhealthy spirituality .
15 They have to be able to distinguish between the empirical and deductive modes .
16 It is not easy to distinguish between the first and the second categories : Reynolds could well have belonged to both .
17 The purpose of the Bill is to distinguish between the bogus and the genuine refugee applicant .
18 It is customary for historians to distinguish between the ordinary and the extraordinary revenues of the Crown , between , that is to say , its recurrent , peacetime income and those occasional sums derived during wars or other emergencies from parliamentary grants or benevolences .
19 The deductive/empirical experiment assessed children 's ability to distinguish between the deductive and empirical modes on the basis of linguistic cues provided by the adult .
20 By breaking up the word ‘ gentleman ’ and inserting the word ‘ Christian ’ , Dickens forces the reader to distinguish between the social and the moral ‘ gentleman ’ .
21 This is then divided by an apposite amount to produce the threshold time that is used to distinguish between the 1s and 0s .
22 But Spenser also makes it clear that it is difficult and sometimes impossible to distinguish between the true and the false , regardless of how clear-sighted and self-controlled his masculine knights may be .
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