Example sentences of "[to-vb] her [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No , you I used to know her from church in Oxford , before she moved down here .
2 Deborah invited me to meet her at home in North London , and mentioned on the phone that her mum , Elaine , would like to meet me too .
3 Without warning Penry 's arms shot out to pull her on tiptoe against his broad chest , returning the brief little caress with a kiss which left them both shaken when he finally set her square on her feet again .
4 Mada Joyce expected Nana to trust her for goods from the store , but never expected to pay .
5 In an attempt to obtain a good price , he paid a stud fee of over £1,400 to have her covered again so that he would be able to sell her in foal at the December 1974 sales .
6 Ronni looked into his eyes and smiled at the compliment , inwardly shuddering as he took her in his arms and proceeded to lead her in time to the music .
7 And one of you I 'm particularly disappointed in at the moment , I do n't want to name any names because I do n't think it 's right to embarrass her in front of the others ,
8 Two days later the Marquis ' wife , a good woman , who has learned with horror something of what has happened , comes to Manette , hoping to be able to contact through him the sister she knows to survive from the murdered family , and to help her by way of making some atonement for her husband 's and her brother-in-law 's evil behaviour ; Manette can give her no information , however .
9 He knew Blanche was nervous by her uncharacteristic air of distraction and tried to calm her with compliments about her appearance .
10 Some days Luiza , Freddi and Alfred joined them and they began to walk her through parts of the productions .
11 I was unperturbed and continued to exercise her without aid of a saddle or protection of a hat .
12 Would he be content to leave her in charge of Thomas and merely check on his progress from time to time , or might he endeavour to wield control in her — his — their son 's life ?
13 He persuaded her parents to give her in marriage to a friend of his and by constant threats and ill-treatment she was forced to consent .
14 ‘ If I come across Amy Marr , surely I ought to put her in touch with the police or possibly the Bishop ? ’
15 Besides which , she reminded herself , he had chosen to put her in charge of his new London branch and , naturally , he needed to know if she was single-minded about her future job .
16 Fair enough — but why had the planets been cruel enough to land her in partnership with the one man in the universe who could drive her crazy with wanting , even as he was — well , just driving her crazy !
17 In both cases the creditor had left it to the debtor husband to deal with the surety , his wife , and had done nothing to satisfy itself that she understood what she was doing or to protect her from abuse by the debtor of the influence and reliance that would be likely to be present .
18 I 'm not saying I condone it , ’ he interpreted her look , ‘ but at the moment maybe it 's all she has to protect her from feelings of inadequacy . ’
19 But however much he hated the thought of allowing Sara to commit herself to a man she had never met , he knew her too well and loved her too much to try to keep her at home against her will .
20 For Brian to be certain he was the father of any child of Tina 's , for anyone to know he was the father of any child of Tina 's , he would have had to keep her for months on an island inhabited only by the pair of them .
21 In a couple of days she 'll be up and about again , but I 've been told by the doctor to keep her off school for a while longer .
22 They then progressed to half-pass ; coming up the centre line and then performing half-pass towards E. Jennie told Katharine to keep her inside leg on the girth , as the horse should bend in the direction of the movement , as opposed to leg-yielding where the horse keeps in a straight line .
23 Often in the past he had tried to keep her in bed in the morning , but always she had pushed off his sleep-drugged advances with a brusque reminder that she had work to do , stubbornly shutting her mind to the tenderness of a few hours before .
24 On four Thursday evenings during the winter she could be seen , dressed in spotty black and glittering with rhinestones , sawing happily away on her violin through four public concerts , under the baton of Mr Dixon , the elderly English master from Tollemarche public school , who tried gamely to keep the rest of the orchestra in time with her , since he had long ago given up trying to keep her in time with the orchestra .
25 It seemed very hard that she should have had to uproot herself completely while her husband could not even be bothered to accompany her on holidays to her own country .
26 I asked Jeanne to find as many friends as possible to accompany her on walks with Moby , and to give them control of the lead and take him away to explore without her if they felt confident .
27 He hated to see her with blood on her hands .
28 I had witnessed Sister Kenny 's unusual treatment when I went to see her at work at Queen Mary 's Hospital for Children in Carshalton , one of several hospitals we had visited during our advanced student days .
29 To see her at work during the day , with her hair pulled straight back and no makeup on , and to hear her ticking off her girls if they were slacking , you would n't dream it was the same girl who was out dancing with a different partner every night .
30 In an interview in Hello ! magazine , Alison is asked whether Fergie should have allowed her daughters to see her on holiday with ‘ financial adviser ’ John Bryan .
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